Monday, May 22, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Scurf Rim

At the periphery of the iris, in what we call zone 7, is found the area of the integument: skin, hair and nails. When a darkened area is observed here, it is called a scurf rim.  It may be only in a portion of the periphery or it may encircle it entirely. It may be thin, wispy area or it can penetrate deep into the interior. When this area shows up dark, it represents an underactive, slowly eliminating skin. Toxic elements and metabolic waste materials are accumulating here.

The skin is a two-way membrane allowing an exchange of moisture and air in and out of the body. Toxic materials can easily penetrate the skin when it is exposed to solvents, fixative paints, fertilizers, pollutants and other air- or water-borne chemicals.

The skin is a vital organ and must eliminate toxic materials daily just as the bowl and lungs. In fact, they say we should eliminate about two pounds of waste per day from the skin. By wearing heavy, close-fitting clothing,  the skin backs up in its ability to eliminate these toxic substances.

This is also believed to be caused by thinning of iris fibers in that zone, and is also considered a structural sign. It is a genetic sign and does not go away. It may lighten up some with proper care and treatment of the skin, but never really goes away entirely. It may indicate a potential tendency for skin conditions such as ache, psoriasis, and eczema to name a few.

There are several ways to help the skin if you know you have this sign. You could, prior to bathing, use a skin brush to help open the pores, make sure you limit the amount of lotions that you use. This tends to close the pores and not allow the skin to breath. Wear fairly loose clothing will also allow skin breathing. If you have access to a steam sauna, the heat and steam may also be help in the long run.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

Reference:  Jensen, B. (1980). Iridology Simplified. Escondido, CA.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

150. History of Bone Spurs

Bones spurs are bony projections associated with osteoarthritis. From a function perspective, they are associated with a primary mineral insufficiency, digestive dysfunction and thyroid hypo-function. Bone spurs many also be a sign of fluoride toxicity. which is associated with a calcium deficiency. Heel spurs respond well to B12 supplementation, with the appropriate digestive support.

Bone spurs are also associated with the deposition of bone into the inappropriate tissue. This is a sign of aberrant calcium metabolism, and possibly an alkalinity of the blood. Calcium is one of the minerals in the family of alkaline minerals that act as carbonic salts to neutralize acidity. When these salts react with an acid they form an alkaline salt the is easily excreted from the kidney. Calcium, as one of the major buffers of the blood, will begin to precipitate out of solution when the blood pH begins to drift from optimal. The calcium will cause problems as it settle into the tissues causing not only bone spurs, but also cataracts, kidney stones, and even bursitis.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Friday, May 12, 2017

66. Stomach Pains or Cramps

Stomach pains or cramps can be an indication of an acute abdomen, which needs to be thoroughly assesssed. If pathology is ruled out consider the following causes of generalized inflammation: food allergies, upper GI bleeding, gastritis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Also consider that you may be suffering from dysbiotic bowel, a possible parasitic infection, or that you may be allergic to certain foods. A person that is allergic to gluten will complain of stomach cramps and pain, as will a person that is lactose intolerant.

Supplemental Support
1. Betaine HCL, Pepsin, pancreatic
2. Pancreatic enzymes
3. Nutritional zinc
4. Bromelain, cellulose, lipase, and amylase
5. Beet juice, taurine, vitamin C and pancreolipase

Check out Stomach Comfort from Nature's Sunshine - Click here for more information.

Lifestyle Changes
Look at handout located here for a Diet to Aid Digestion

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Monday, May 8, 2017

117. Coated Tongue

A coated tongue is an indication of some kind of disturbance in the digestive organs. It's main indication is a toxic bowel with dysbiosis and/or increased intestinal hyperpermeability. It may also show a need for digestive enzymes or HCL supplementation.

Lifestyle Changes
Look at handout located here for a diet on Dysbiosis and a Diet to Aid Digestion

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lymphatic Rosary

The lymphatic system is found in zone 6. When the lymphatic circulation becomes slow and overburdened with waste materials, a congestion results.

This condition is seen in the iris as small, cloud-like spots called tophi. Sometimes these clouds are seen in varying distances into the interior, but generally are found near the periphery. They resemble a stig of pearls or rosary and get their name from this appearance. The whiteness of these spots indicated that there is an acute activity or inflammation. Sometimes they appear to be yellow or light brown. This indicates that the condition has existed for some time.

When this system it not functioning properly, there is a build up of catarrh and mucus. The body's resistance to stress and illness is weakened, and it becomes susceptible to disease.

Lymphatic circulation is based on muscular contraction. Therefore, exercise is essential for the prevention of lymphatic congestion. One excercsie you could perform in jumping on a small trampoline. This gets the lymph moving throughout the entire body. Other exercises helpful would be walking and swinging the arms, and deep breathing. All of these have proven excellent for cleansing the lymph.

Other suggestions would be to drink plenty of water, eliminate mucus-forming foods like diary products, wheat and sugar. Lymphatic massage also helps move the lymph.

The predominant mineral element of the lymph fluid is organic sodium. Organic sodium in the lymph fluid helps to hold calcium in the bone and keeps the joints limber and pliable. Avoid table salt that is not organic or natural.

Tonsils and adenoids are lymphoid tissues. Many individuals have had these removed, a sign that they were overworked and enlarged as a result of excessive toxic material they were unable to eliminate. At that time, a cleansing program was indicated, as well as proper nutrition and exercise. They would have helped prevent lymph congestion in later years.

Other organs relating to the lymphatic system are the appendix and spleen.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.