Saturday, July 1, 2017

What is Circuit Training?

Circuit training routines are a favorite training session for many coaches and trainers. Circuits can be used for just about everything.

Circuit training consist of a consecutive series of timed exercises performed one after the other with varying amounts of rest between each exercise.

For example, a simple circuit training routine might be push-ups, sit-ups, squats, chin-ups and lunges. The routine could be set up as follows;

  • Do as many push-ups in 30 seconds followed by a 30 seconds rest.
  • Do as many sit-ups in 30 seconds followed by a 30 seconds rest.
  • Do as many squats in 30 seconds followed by a 30 seconds rest and so on with the rest of the exercises
What Makes Circuit Training so Good?
The quick pace and constant changing nature of he circuit training places an unique type of stress on the body, which differs from normal exercise activities such as weight training and aerobic exercise.

There are several reasons why circuit training is great form of exercise and what most of the reasons come down to is flexibility.

  • Circuit training can be totally personalized.
  • A circuit training routine can be modified to give the athlete exactly what they want.
  • It is easy to change the focus of the training routine to emphasize strength, endurance, agility, speed, skill development, and weight loss
  • It can be time efficient.
  • It can be done just about anywhere.
  • No expensive equipment needed or even a gym membership
  • Another reason is that it is great fun to do in groups or in pairs.

Reference: Walker, B. (2013). The Anatomy of Sports Injuries. Chichester, England. Lotus Publishing.

Neil Asher Advanced Trigger Point Techniques offers "The Anatomy of Sports Injuries" course, go here to check out what the course has to offer, along with other trigger point courses.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Recreational Drugs

Recreational drugs have significant health risks attached to their use. They place considerately strain on the body from the adrenal glands that are too often over stimulated by recreational drugs, to the liver and kidneys which have to detoxify and eliminate the drug from the body. If the drug use is combined with smoking, alcohol and or a poor diet, you are placing your body at more risk fro developing serious problems later on. Some drugs act as immune suppressants, leaving the body wide open for opportunistic infections. The overall impact on the body is a profound alteration in the internal environment or terrain. Increased exposure to free radical, pH changes and a systemic loss of minerals and vitamins provide even more stress on the body.

If you are using recreational drugs please talk to your physician about ways to improve the diet, and begin a nutritional supplement program that will lessen the impact of recreational drugs on the body.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Iris Pupil Configurations

By observing the shape of the pupil and its size, it is possible to learn a great deal about where major stresses are occuring in the body.

The pupil is not located in the center of the iris. It is placed nasalward and slightly down from the geometric center.

If it is small and pinches down, a condition of extreme nervous tension is indicated. Often times the use of certain drugs will give this efffect. When the pupil is wide and open beyond normal, a condition of nerve depletion and exhaustion is present. The response to light is also an indication of tension or stress; therefore, the rate at which the pupil responds to light intensifies is important.

Rarely is the pupil evenly round in shape. It is usually flat on one side, elliptical, or oval. These aberrations in pupil to us indicate specific conditions in the body.

What does your pupil say about you? Call my Dynamic Balanced Health for your Iridology session. You will be glad you did.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Chronic Low Back Pain, Worse with Fatigue

Chronic low back pain is worse with fatigue is a sign of adrenal insufficiency. In applied Kinesiology the pelvic supportive muscles are neurologically related to the adrenal glands. There may also be a need for connective tissue support. balancing the overall structure of the body is essential and a general protocol for supporting the connective tissue is important.

The following is a list of nutrients that are useful for healing connective tissue:

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Feeling Wired or Jittery after Drinking Coffee

Feeling wired or jittery after drinking coffee is a sign of increased adrenal output, or hyperadrenalism, a need for liver support or insensitivity to coffee. Increased cortisol with a concomitant low DHEA causes symptoms of being wired and jittery. When you add caffeine, an adrenal stimulant into the body, you will get an exacerbation of the hyperadrenal symptoms. Caffeine is a drug that needs to be detoxified by the liver. If a person does not handle caffeine very well, it is a sign of liver support, especially the Phase I detoxification. In the beginning stages of adrenal decompensation the body's response to stress is to increase the cortical output from the adrenal
glands.  An insensitivity to coffee and caffeine in general can cause a person to be wired and jittery after coffee.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

What is a Sunburn and How to Care For this Condition

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can cause damage to the skin. Exposure to sunlight causes activity in the dendritic cells known as melanocytes and the release of melanin, a pigment responsible for skin coloration. While gradual exposure produces tanning, excessive exposure causes damage to melanocytes, sometimes leading to a cancer of the skin known ad melanoma.

Cause of injury
Excessive exposure to sunlight. Failure to cover exposed skin. Failure to apply sunscreen during extended exposure.

Signs and Symptom
Redness, pain, and in severe cases blistering of the skin

Immediate Treatment
Get out of the sun as soon as possible. Cool baths as needed and topical moisturizers, including aloe vera.

Long-term Prognosis
Most sunburn heals in a matter of days, though damages layered may blister and peel away, with fresh skin replacing the dead layers. This new skin is extremely vulnerable to damage of the sun and should be avoided. Repeated exposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer or melanoma.

Reference: Walker, B. (2013). The Anatomy of Sports Injuries. Chichester, England. Lotus Publishing.

Neil Asher Advanced Trigger Point Techniques offers "The Anatomy of Sports Injuries" course, go here to check out what the course has to offer, along with other trigger point courses.