Saturday, July 15, 2017

Iris Constitution

The very first impression received when observing the iris is its overall appearance in the sense of how light or how dark it is, how many holes there are (or the lack thereof), lesions, colors, and textures. This "overall" impression gives a feeling for the constitutional character of the iris.

To illustrate, let's make a comparison to the varying degrees of textures in textiles; i.e., that of a fine silk, cotton weave, coarse burlap, or cheesecloth. The closeness of the fibers and their uniformity indicates a constitional strength. A person with these characteristics rarely gets ill, is able to recover quickly and responds rapidly to proper treatment. The more irregular and open-spaced the fiber structure is, the more weakness is indicated in that body. Maintaining a high health level is more difficult for this body and great awareness of those forces and practices that enhance vitality is needed.

The stronger the constitution, the greater the ability to hold nutrients, carry away metabolic waste and carry on with life-giving cellular activities.

The weaker constitution cannot maintain nutrients levels, metabolic processes are slower, and toxic accumulations are more likely. Nonetheless, a weak constitution properly cared for can have good health and a long life. A strong on not cared for can be rapidly burned out and lost.

Often combinations of constitutional strengths are observed within the same body. Constitutional  quality is measured on a scale from 1 to 10, with 5 being average, 1 highest.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Types of Circuit Training

Circuit training can be totally customize, which mean there are an unlimited number of ways to structure a circuit training routine. Here are a few examples of the different types:

Timed Circuit
This involves working tp a set time period for both rest and exercise intervals. For example: a timed circuit might involve 30 seconds of an exercise followed but 30 seconds of rest between each exercise.

Competition Circuit
Similar to the times but each individual pushed themselves to see how many repetition can be done in a set period of time. For example: 12 push-ups in 30 seconds. The idea here is to keep the amount of time the same, but try to increase the number of repetitions in each time. You would be getting stronger as well as faster.

Repetition Circuit
This is great when working with large groups of people who have different levels of fitness and ability. The idea is to get the fittest group to do 20 repetitions of each exercise, the intermediate group to do 15 repetitions, while the beginners may do only 10 repetitions.

Sport-specific or Running Circuit
The type is best done outside or in a large, open area with exercises that are specific to the participants sport, or emphasize an aspect of the sport that needs improvement. Instead of resting between sets, you could easily run for 100 - 200 yards,

Reference: Walker, B. (2013). The Anatomy of Sports Injuries. Chichester, England. Lotus Publishing.

Neil Asher Advanced Trigger Point Techniques offers "The Anatomy of Sports Injuries" course, go here to check out what the course has to offer, along with other trigger point courses.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Iris Color and Variations

There are only two basic eye colors in the world today: pure blue and pure brown. The structure of the stroma is different in the two.  The blue eyes is less dense, has its trabecula in the open and reveals itself  more clearly.  Blue eyes are much easier to study.  The brown eye is dense, not revealing the trabeculae and is more difficult to analyze.

There are variations between the true blue and the true brown eyes. Sometimes people born of blue- and brown-eyed parents have a mixture of both. Genetically, blue eyes are recessobe and brown dominant.

Colored spots of various densities are often observed in the iris. These come under two distinctions: psoralen and drug deposits. Psora or psoriasis itch spots are heavy, dark patches. They are usually inherited chemicals passed on from parents. When a while line encircles these areas, it indicates an irritation in the tissue.

Psora can be detinquished from drug spots and chemical spots in that the latter are usually smaller and different in color. It is very difficult if possible at all, to eliminate these pigments from the iris, but given a change in lifestyle and working for improved health, one can greatly reduce their effects in the next generation.

Chemical deposits including drugs show up in the iris as bright yellow, red, oraange, and other colors. Each color will signify a different condition. They are usually small and scattered about, Found mostly in the digestive zone and the glandular zone, these deposits are generally acquired from the environment during one's lifetime. When inherited by the next generation, they show up as psora.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Pain or Burning with Urination

Pain or burning with urination is a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs are fairly uncommon in men and should be investigated with the appropriate urinalysis and lab work. This may be a more common symptom in older men, who are at the increased risk of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), which can lead to prostatitis. It is important to remember that pain with urination may not necessarily be related to infection of the prostate: only 5% of all prostatits is bacterial, usually E. coli. Any swelling or inflammation of the prostate cause constriction to the urethra, hence all the urinalysis symptoms. A through evaluation should be performed to rule out possibility of kidney involvement.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

What is Circuit Training?

Circuit training routines are a favorite training session for many coaches and trainers. Circuits can be used for just about everything.

Circuit training consist of a consecutive series of timed exercises performed one after the other with varying amounts of rest between each exercise.

For example, a simple circuit training routine might be push-ups, sit-ups, squats, chin-ups and lunges. The routine could be set up as follows;

  • Do as many push-ups in 30 seconds followed by a 30 seconds rest.
  • Do as many sit-ups in 30 seconds followed by a 30 seconds rest.
  • Do as many squats in 30 seconds followed by a 30 seconds rest and so on with the rest of the exercises
What Makes Circuit Training so Good?
The quick pace and constant changing nature of he circuit training places an unique type of stress on the body, which differs from normal exercise activities such as weight training and aerobic exercise.

There are several reasons why circuit training is great form of exercise and what most of the reasons come down to is flexibility.

  • Circuit training can be totally personalized.
  • A circuit training routine can be modified to give the athlete exactly what they want.
  • It is easy to change the focus of the training routine to emphasize strength, endurance, agility, speed, skill development, and weight loss
  • It can be time efficient.
  • It can be done just about anywhere.
  • No expensive equipment needed or even a gym membership
  • Another reason is that it is great fun to do in groups or in pairs.

Reference: Walker, B. (2013). The Anatomy of Sports Injuries. Chichester, England. Lotus Publishing.

Neil Asher Advanced Trigger Point Techniques offers "The Anatomy of Sports Injuries" course, go here to check out what the course has to offer, along with other trigger point courses.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Recreational Drugs

Recreational drugs have significant health risks attached to their use. They place considerately strain on the body from the adrenal glands that are too often over stimulated by recreational drugs, to the liver and kidneys which have to detoxify and eliminate the drug from the body. If the drug use is combined with smoking, alcohol and or a poor diet, you are placing your body at more risk fro developing serious problems later on. Some drugs act as immune suppressants, leaving the body wide open for opportunistic infections. The overall impact on the body is a profound alteration in the internal environment or terrain. Increased exposure to free radical, pH changes and a systemic loss of minerals and vitamins provide even more stress on the body.

If you are using recreational drugs please talk to your physician about ways to improve the diet, and begin a nutritional supplement program that will lessen the impact of recreational drugs on the body.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.