Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Bad Breath or Strong Body Odors

Bad breath or strong body odors are an indication of a disturbed digestive system. If the digestive system is assessed and any dysfunction is corrected, the chances are that the halitosis will go. It can, of course, be caused by poor dental hygiene.

Other Indications
Liver detoxification problems

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Alcohol is a metabolic toxin that carries with it some health risks. Its impact on the body is far reaching causing irritation to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to increased intestinal permeability (Leaky gut syndrome), a condition that allows unwanted substances to move from the intestinal tract into the blood stream. A leaky gut can cause allergies because of the unwanted material that is absorbed through the hyper-permeable digestive tract stimulates the immune system.

The regular use of alcohol can have a strong impact on your brain chemistry. Alcohol, and other substance such as refined sugars and flours and certain drugs, will interfere with the receptors in the brain for neurotransmitters. The brain identifies that the receptors for a certain neurotransmitter is already filled, so it reduces the amount of neurotransmitters it produces. As this level of neurotransmitters drop you begin to crave alcohol or refined sugar to fill newly emptied receptors in the brain. At some point you will no longed be able to fill the receptors with these empty foods and substances. At this point you begin to experience mood swings and an even more intense craving for alcohol or refined sugars.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Excessive Foul Smelling Lower Bowel Gas

Excessive fouls smelling lower bowel gas is a strong indicator of dysbiosis and a disturbed lower digestive system. There may be a maldigestion occuring in the upper gastrointesinal tract that leaves partially undigesed food that exacerbates the dysbiosis. 

Other Indications
Liver detoxification problems

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Artificial Sweeteners

Most people use artificial sweeteners to avoid he high-calorie sweeteners such as honey and table sugar. Artificial sweeteners come in many forms including Aspartame (Nutra-Sweet), saccharine, Sucralose, and Acesulfame-K. They appear in many food and soft drinks. They can make you feel bloated and fat, which can cause you to shun real and whole foods.

Alternatives to Artificial Sweeteners
As with all your dietary choices, I recommend whole food, and not foods that have been "manufactured" by companies, An extract of the herd Stevia rebaudiana is a safe and effective sweetener that has no calories. Try making lemonade with fresh squeezed lemon juice, water and a little stevia. If you crave carbonate drinks try making the lemonade with sparkling water.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Mucus in Stool

Mucus appears in the stool in conditions of parasympathetic excitability. Excessive productions can occur from irritation to the gastrointestinal tract as seen in colitis, food sensitivity, and pancreatitis. Translucent gelatinous mucus clinging to the surface of formed stool occurs in spastic constipation, mucous colitis, emotionally disturbed clients or excessive straining at stool. Bloody mucus clinging to stool suggests a neoplasm or inflammation of rectal canal. Mucus with pus and blood is seen in ulcerative colitis, bacillary dysentery, ulcerative cancer of colon, or acute diverticulitis. 

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Your Super Villian Name

Try this out.

Post below what you came up with according to the above. I love too hear the different combinations.  Thank you in advance.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Bach Flower: Agrimony

Agrimony And Addiction

You can’t even called these people ‘poker-faced’ because they always have a smile plastered on their faces and never let the world see what’s going on inside – even though they might be crying. These are the world’s phenomenal pretenders and you’ll find then cracking a joke or laughing at someone else’s when their heart could be breaking inside. Why do they do this? They hate the world to be privy to the bad times that they could be going through. However, this takes its toll and they suffer in silence or drown their sorrows in drink when they are alone. So many addicts are actually drinking to keep up a pretense.


They’re the world’s happy and smiling people – or so they like to make everyone think. Think Bozo – enlivening lives with laughs and you’ll get what we mean. That is why they have an affinity for alcohol and drugs because it keeps them – or so they like to believe – in a perpetual high state
of happiness. However, this repression of feeling can result, in extreme cases, in heart attacks or strokes or in a break down. And then they could just crack a few jokes about it – even if they are in
very bad health. Agrimony makes them face up to things as they are and also makes them feel that it is not necessary to be happy all the time – it’s all right to be out of sorts too.


They lock up their troubles but the inner turbulence is not so easy to get rid of. They don’t want the world to know what they are really thinking so when they go out, they feel it’s time to paint on a smile and step out with a swagger. Agrimony gives them peace of mind besides just making them
stop pretending. They learn to face up to the way they feel and not run away from what goes on in their minds by always being on the move. Alcohol and drugs stop being the crutch to get them out of feeling low and they learn to give them up.


Their heart could be breaking but they hide it – and hide it well, usually with a smile or a joke. With Agrimony, they learn to be in touch with and accept what they really feel without putting a moral spin of what they should feel and what they shouldn’t on it. They learn to see that problems, hurt, sadness and feeling under the weather are all acceptable and a part of life and they need to accept them, not refuse to acknowledge them and hide them away, hoping they will disappear.


They become more realistic and stop seeing everything religious and spiritual as only good and happy. They become more discerning, learning to accept what is good and discard what is bad simply because they are more in tune with themselves inside. Agrimony makes them whole and a lot more
human as they see that no one is perfect and that frailties are acceptable.

Reference: Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)