Sunday, June 3, 2018

Water, Distilled

The quality of municiple tap water is questionable. Recent reports have indicated that many municipal water authorities are in violation of clean water standards. Significant levels of organic and inorganic chemical such as pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers and lead have been found in musical water supplies. Unfortunately many of these pollutants are difficult to get rid of using the common purification methods that are in place in many areas of the country today.

Given the above information, a good quality water filtration system is a sound and healthy investment. Unfortunately, distilled water is not. distilled water may not remove all of the organic chemicals from the water, and it also removed all of the materials. Some practitioners believe that we should not consume distilled water, because it acts as a vacuum and require the body to use its own stores of minerals to balance it out. There are better methods of water filtration, which include reverse osmosis, charcoal filtering and deionization. These are all acceptable methods of water treatment.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Feel Worse in Moldy or Musty Place

Feeling worse in a moldy and musty places is a strong indication of a dysbiosis in the digestive tract with an overgrowth of yeast. The body can sometimes be so overburdened with yeast that even the least amount of toxic exposure can precipitate a bad reaction. The body may also need supplemental molybdenum, a trace mineral that acts as a co-factor for the liver’s detox pathways.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Friday, June 1, 2018

Bach Flower: Willow

Willow and Bitterness

The Bach flower remedy Willow in its negative state is filled with bitterness inside at the unjust deal that life has dealt. These people are constantly looking out at everyone and they feel frustrated when they see someone doing well, thinking that good things should be happening to them too. This puts them in a state of perpetual grumbling. Willow slowly edges out the bitterness and teaches them to be strong and make their own destiny – and to be happy doing it.


They usually are the wet blankets in any get together. You’ll find them looking out for someone or something to blame. Some however, smoulder
in silence and this is worse maybe because it causes serious health problems. High blood pressure, stiff muscles, allergies – a lot of them suffer needlessly because they just cannot accept their lives as is. Willow tends to help them ease up and take  responsibility for their own health and their own lives.


Their minds are constantly comparing and making themselves out to be the victims. This mentality makes them hate everything and everyone around them because what they see is what they would have liked to be. They always feel life has passed them by and they never take responsibility for this. They rail against other people, against God and against the fates. Willow helps them see how futile this is and with regular use, they learn to depend on themselves for their own fortune.


Since they always feel that theirs is a life that is sad, they find it difficult to love or let themselves be loved. Till they learn to love themselves – and Willow helps in that – they find it very difficult to remain in good relationships.


They feel that any higher power should be kind to them and shower them with blessings. Anything that goes wrong, they need a scapegoat – and who better than the divine? The trouble is, nothing is ever right in their world – they always focus on what goes wrong. Willow helps them focus on their blessings – helps them count them and be grateful for what they have, thereby opening up their hearts, minds and spirits for more blessings to flow in.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Wake Up Without Remembering Dreams

Waking up without ramembering dreams is a classic sign of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) defieciency. There may also be sleep disturbance issues, especially if you are not able to enter REM sleep.  During REM sleep the whole body enters a deep state of relaxation and it provide the deepest sleep we can get. Without REM sleep we do not dream. An increased cortisol output at night and low blood sugar may interfere with sleep patterns.  Also consider the possibly of sleep apnea, a condition of brief stoppages of breathing during the night. Please visit a specialist of sleep apnea is suspected.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Allergies and / or Hives

There are many causes of allergies and hives including low adrenal function, dysbiosis, digestive dysfunction, and increased intestinal hyper-permeability.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Bach Flower: Vervain

Vervain and Overstraining

The Bach flower remedy Vervain stands for restraint and in its positive state, it allows a person to use his energies to their optimum best. In the
negative state however, it could mean utilizing an excess of energy and it could lead to a lot of overstraining. You’ll find these people constantly on their feet, always wanting to be up and doing. They are so overenthusiastic about anything they have to do that they want everyone around them to join in as well and this does not go down well with the others.


He really pushes himself and goads himself to do much more than he can. This could result in tiredness and maybe even a breakdown as he just
cannot cope physically with all that he wants to do. Take the case of a senior executive in a company who is fired by an idea and expects everyone to not just believe in it but work as hard as he does to see it through. He ends up being unpopular and pushing himself as well as everyone else more than necessary. Very often, the tension that these people go through is quite apparent, pounding away on their keyboard or gripping their steering wheels tight, eager to get on with what they have to do. With Vervain, he tends to temper his enthusiasm with practical thinking.


He tends to have very fixed ideas of not just how things should be done but how quickly they should be done. This causes him to be very adamant about what he wants and what he wants others to do as well. He feels terribly indignant when he sees any injustice but he carries his outbursts too far so much so that it puts people off. Vervain helps him see the larger picture and he becomes aware that what others think is also important and has its place in the scheme of things. He begins to ease off from trying to push his ideas down everyone’s throats.


Emotionally, too, he tries too hard and believes firmly that what he is doing or feeling is best. However, too much of idealism and intensity does not augur too well for any relationship and the other person usually scurries away to escape from the heat of his emotions. With Vervain, he
learns that it is better to go with the flow when it comes to feelings than to always try and control the flow.


These people could well be fired with missionary zeal, going to the farthest corners of the world and trying to convert everyone they meet to their way of thinking. They push themselves and others to such limits that at some point of time, the world writes them off as not being all there. It’s usually a good cause that these people espouse – they just don’t know where to draw the line. Vervain tends to calm them down and helps them set reasonable limits even in the realms of the spiritual. When they stop pushing and expecting things to change, they do.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

White Spots on Fingernails, Cuts Heal Slowly, Decreased Sense of Taste / Smell

These are all symptoms of zinc deficiency. Zinc is an essential mineral tot he body and is involved in the following functions in the body:
  1. Wound healing
  2. Enhancing immune function
  3. Anti-inflammatory
  4. Promoting conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine
Zinc should be supplemented along with a general multiple mineral supplement deficiency is often accompanied by deficiencies in other minerals, including magnesium, selenium and potassium.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bach Flower: Vine

Vine and Domination

The Bach flower remedy Vine is, in its negative state, the most dominating a person can be. Most of us know people like these in our lives – the power-hungry ones who just cannot accept others’
individuality. They think they are infallible and it surprises them to know that others can actually not see that what they are doing is in everyone’s best interests. They can be quite ruthless because they are convinced they know best – even when it comes to overriding everyone else’s opinions.


You can see it in the way he carries himself. Tall and proud and taking it for granted that he is a leader. They dominate with raised voices and
aggression. They can even resort to physical abuse and cruelty if they felt it warranted it. You’ll see them ordering people around and the strange thing is, they expect them to be grateful. This constant  state of tension brings on ailments like stiffness of the joints and muscles as well as high blood pressure. Vine makes them view people differently – as equals and not as slaves to do their bidding.


In his mind, he sees nothing wrong in thinking himself a dictator and mentally putting himself above everyone else. He is vain and he feels he is a total success, way above everyone else. He also thinks that when he directs people and tells them what to do, he is doing them a favor. Vine frees him of these mental delusions and helps his mind see how things really are. It tempers his leadership qualities with graciousness, making him a truly great leader.


A person in the negative Vine state just doesn’t feel too much. That’s why he can hurt and think that it is good for the other person to be corrected. He likes to order other people’s feelings too as he dictates to them who and what they should like and should not. While people might pretend to obey him, inwardly, they detest someone like this and look for an opportunity to break free. Vine makes him realize that feelings come naturally and need to be nurtured – they just cannot be forced.


He does not usually look beyond himself and thinks he has the last word on everything. Someone like this is hardly likely to look up in awe at a higher power and see the wonder of it all. That’s what a few doses of Vine do to him. It lets him sit back, look around him and enjoy every moment. It makes him aware that he is but one part of an incredible

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Monday, May 21, 2018

Numbness, Tingling or Itching in Hands or Feet

There are many causes of numbness, tingling, or itching in the extremities including disc problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetes and any type of nerve entrapment or impingment. A through orthopedic and neurological examination should be performed to rule out any of the above structural causes.

In the elderly population, who are achlorhydic, B12 deficiency is very common. B12 deficiency can have a long-term irreversible neurological complications. Assess for the presence of hypochlorhydria and grate what you find, to increase the absorption of B12 in these peoples. For those who are deficient consider injectible B12. Consider additional supplementation of folic acid, another vitamin that can have neurological complications when deficient.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing