Monday, April 30, 2018

Crave Salty Foods

Craving salty foods and salting foods before tasting them are classic signs of adrenal insufficiency and a possible need for electrolytes. The adrenal glands are not only important for a healthy stress response, but also help with mineral balancing in the body via the mineral corticoids. Aldosterone is one such hormone. Aldosterone cause the re-absorption of sodium and chloride. In the adrenal insufficiency the levels of aldosterone in the body may be compromised. This causes a larger excretion of sodium and chloride than it necessary, hence, the salt craving.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Crave Chocolate Around Periods

Craving chocolate around the time of your period is a sign of magnesium deficiency. It may also be a sign of blood sugar abnormalites and a need for adrenal support.  The period is a time of hormonal upheaval and the body may be having a more difficult time controlling blood sugar.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Friday, April 27, 2018

Bach Flower: Pine

Pine and Self-Reproach

The Bach flower remedy Pine is what people who keep reproaching themselves as a matter of course need. They have such a terrible guilt complex that they blame themselves for everything and very soon, it becomes a habit. What these people need is to be able to forgive
themselves and to get rid of the constant regrets they keep having when it comes to their own performance.


He keeps on and on at whatever work he is entrusted with. He hardly ever stops to rest and is extremely  conscientious. The sad part is, even if he does the job well, it’s never good enough for him. He will always find fault with it. This makes him a scapegoat very often. It’s so easy to make someone the butt of classroom jokes or the scapegoat in the office when he feels that he deserves it. He is the kind of person who could fall ill and then apologize profusely for having missed work. Pine blows away his guilt complex and makes him more appreciative of his work and himself.


Somewhere deep inside, he feels he does not deserve to be alive which is why he is constantly saying sorry for existing. He keeps harping on what isn’t good enough about him in his mind so much so that he believes that he can never achieve anything great. Even though he might be well above
average, he will hold himself back and never push himself forward except to apologize for how bad he is. Pine helps him think better of himself.


How can a person who does not love himself love others? While they can love with their whole heart – they are very giving – they cannot accept love without feeling they do not deserve it. This makes it a one-sided relationship. Love needs giving and taking and knowing how to take is as important. Pine brings in the freshness of acceptance and self worth and it won’t be long before these people learn how wonderful a balance in love can be.


Sometimes it seems like the guilt a person in the negative Pine state goes through has no logic. It is almost as though it is a part of their genetic code – as old as the hills, maybe. Going back to the Garden of Eden perhaps and the guilt of that first sin? What Pine does is to heal the spirit and to wash it clean of any memories of past sin. It teaches a person to accept himself as a special spiritual being with a unique soul that does not need to apologize for living, but revel in the fact.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Arthritic Tendencies

Arthritic tendencies are often a sign of adrenal insufficiency. It is, of course, important to check out osteoarthritis and other kinds of inflammatory arthritis before jumping to the conclusion that the adrenals are under functioning. Many types of arthritis are associated with dysbiosis and an increased intestinal hyper-permeabilty, therefore, assessment of the digestive system is important.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tension Headaches at Base of Skull - In Hot Sun

Tension headaches at the base of the skull and headaches when out in the hot sun are symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency. Obviously, it is important to assess the most likely causes first.  For instance, chronic tension headaches need to be assesses for correc structural alignment, and the workplace needs to be looked into to make sure the ergnomics and work position are not putting too much stress on you.

Essential fatty acid deficiency is often dues to a biliary dysfunction, leading to incomplete emulsification of fatty acids, and is often accompanied by a mineral deficiency, especially calcium.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Feet Have A Strong Odor

Feet having a strong odor is a common sign of magnesium deficiency. Other symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:
  1. Being ticklish
  2. Being agoraphobic, they often dislike being in crowds
  3. having insomnia and / or restless leg syndrome
The strong odor of the feet may also indicate blood sugar dysregulation problem and a need to support the adrenals

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Become Dizzy When Standing Up Suddenly

Becoming dizzy when standing up is a classic sign of low adrenal function. The adrenal glands are responsible for keeping the blood pressure in the normal range for the few seconds of compression after moving from a recumbent to a standing position. Weakness in the adrenal gland can cause dizziness when standing, known as orthostatic hypotension. A drop of 10 or more points in the systolic blood pressure reading when taken recumbent and standing is a sign of adrenal insufficiency.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bach Flower: Mimulus

Mimulus And Nervousness

The Bach flower remedy Mimulus stands for  courage inside of you. Someone who needs Mimulus is nervous of so many things – things
they have to do, things they have to face. These are not nameless fears of something that is outside of the real world. This fear is very real and it is fear of everyday very real happenings. Very often, you won’t ever suspect that someone who is otherwise perfectly normal can be so nervous and scared about anything, but certain events and activities can reduce these people to a trembling nervous mass.


More often than not, they are like any regular person you see around. When faced with something they fear however, you can see what they feel so clearly. They might fidget, stammer or stutter, blush sometimes and even shake with fear. It can be a bit disconcerting to see an otherwise normal man degenerate into a bundle of nerves but remember, he can’t help it. He could be scared of flying, riding in an elevator or scared to speak in public. In a child, it could be the fear of going to school or answering a teacher’s questions. There are so many
fears these people have – fear of mice, of pain, of the dark, of getting reprimanded or caught by the law, of being pulled up by teachers or by seniors in the workplace….the list goes on. Mimulus helps him face his fears and overcome them.


His fear makes him paranoid and he just cannot get over it no matter how much he tells himself he is being stupid, This makes him tense and this mental stress takes its toll with headaches and irritability, Mimulus helps him to relax his mind and confidence slowly makes its way in.


He could be nervous about emotional commitments too. So when it comes to relationships, he could get tongue-tied which could leave his love life in a rather sorry state. The nervousness could also come on because of a fear of outbursts, of angry scenes around him or people who lose control. Mimulus makes him emotionally stronger and helps him to be detached from things that do not concern him and should not affect him.


There could be a fear of death as well – not a nameless dread of what comes after but just the thought of death. Or, if the person is very religious, there’s a nervousness of not doing what they feel their religion teaches them to do. Mimulus makes them think for themselves and be practical. It puts commonsense into a person along with courage.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dry Flaky Skin and / or Dandruff

Dry, flaky skin is one of the first indications of an essential fatty acid deficiency. It is important to ask whether or not you are using hydrating lotions. Many people take it for granted that they need to use moisturizing lotions in order to have moist skin.

Essential fatty acids is often due to a biliary dysfunction, leading to incomplete emulsification of fatty acids, and is often accompanied by a mineral deficiency, especially calcium.

Lifestyle Changes
Avoid all sources of hydrogenated fats and deep fried foods.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing