Showing posts with label Electromagnetic Radiation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electromagnetic Radiation. Show all posts

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Biological Effects of EMFs

Before I list the many effects of EMF, a definition of EMF is first needed. The simple definition is EMF stands for Electromagnetic Fields - forces generated by the flow of electricity. With the harnessing if electrical energy and its incorporation into every aspect of out daily lives this force has become a significant threat to our lives.

Electromagnetic energy surrounds and penetrate our homes, our work environment, and every place in-between. It has been accused of causing a list of effects ranging from cancer to suicide.

From a report by the American Medical Association on EMFs, in laboratory tests of EMFs, using both whole animals and cell culture data, changes were present in the following measured parameters"

  • The nervous system
  • Ion movement across cell membranes
  • Cellular enzymes
  • Chromatid and chromosome structure
  • Brain electrophysiology
  • Perception
  • Behavior: Social and operant
  • Lymphocyte cytotoxicity
  • Pineal gland melatonin suppression
  • Circadian Rhythm (biological clock)
  • Bone healing delays
  • Testosterone concentration
  • Brain Seizure induction
  • Tumor cell plating efficiency
  • Brain neurotransmitter concentration
  • DNA production
  • Oncogene promotion
  • Evoked response
  • Heart rate

Source: Report 7 of the Council on Scientific Affairs, January 1994, "Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields."