Showing posts with label General. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


When you notice any of the claims or techniques below being used in product advertising, you need to ask the following: Is this fact or fiction. Could there be any harm to me if I do this?

• It is a quick and effective cure-all.

• It can treat a serious or incurable disease.

• Ads make claims of miraculous breakthroughs, secret formulas, or the hidden ingredient that your doctor does not want you to know about.

• Ads use useless medical terminology.

• Ads equate “all natural” with “all safe.

• Ads use personal testimonies, even from physicians, that claim amazing results.

• Ads create urgency and use terms like “limited availability” and “act now.”

• There is a no-risk, money-back guarantee.

• There are promises of an easy fix for a complex condition, such as overweight or impotency.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Your Super Villian Name

Try this out.

Post below what you came up with according to the above. I love too hear the different combinations.  Thank you in advance.