Showing posts with label Touch for Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Touch for Health. Show all posts

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Large Intestine Meridian

General Information:  This meridian function is to absorb the end product of digestion and hold the wast materials until they can be eliminated. Approximately 80% of the material entering the large intestines is absorbed since it is mostly the water.  The large intestine Meridian function is very important in the metabolism of water, as it extracts water from waste materials to either re absorb or send on to the bladder.

It is crucial in the elimination of waste materials, as imbalance in the large intestine function many result in physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual toxicity.

Functions:  Absorption of fluids, elimination of solid wastes

Physical Branches:  Nose, skin, body hair, mucus

Emotion:  Grief, Guilt, and Regret

Sound:  Crying and Sighing

Season:  Autumn

Associated Element:  Metal

Color:  Off white

Meridian Type:   Yang

Time of Day:  5 - 7 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Fascia Lata, Hamstrings, Quadratus Lumborum

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the thumb side end of the index finger, up the hand and outside of the back of the arm, across the shoulder to the nose.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Lung Meridian

General Information:  This meridian performs vital function in TFH. While survival may be difficult without water and food for more than a week or two, we usually cannot live without Aires from more than about three minutes. Each lung is an essential organ that serves the primary function of respiration and the exchange of gases (mainly oxygen and carbon dioxide), operating as the foremost and fundamental source of life energy as well as an important channel of elimination.

The lungs also supply the air flow necessary to speak, sing, and make other vocal sounds, In addition to drawing air (oxygen), the lung meridian function is said to draw in to release Chi, and regulate the status of the Chi in the whole Soul.

Functions:  Accepts pure fluids from spleen, which are then mixed with air, and circulated through the meridians, circulates Wei Qi

Physical Branches:  Nose, skin, body hair, mucus

Emotion:  Grief, Guilt, and Regret

Sound:  Crying and Deep Sighing

Season:  Autumn

Associated Element:  Metal

Color:  Pure white

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  3 - 5 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Anterior Serratus, Coracobrachialis, Deltoids, Diaphragm

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the fleshy space below shoulder and above the rib cage, down the inside of the font of the arm to the end of the thumb.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Liver Meridian

General Information:  This meridian is associated with the liver which has more functions than any other organ. Each cell has more programmed instructions than the most sophisticated computer program, and the liver meridian may activate a large number of the absorption and detoxification instructions. The liver is the largest physical organ and is most active while you sleep. The liver is said to store blood while the body is at rest, and also to exert particular influence over the lower abdomen, and so is considered of central importance in women's menstrual cycle and sexuality.

Liver meridian function is involved in digestion, metabolism, storage, and distribution of nourishment, filtration, detoxification, and immune function.

Functions:  Stores the blood, governs the free flow of qi

Physical Branches:  Eyes, tendons, tears, nails

Emotion:  Anger and Resentment

Sound:   Shouting

Season:  Spring

Associated Element:  Wood

Color:  Deep green

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  1 - 3 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Pectoralis Major Sternal, Rhomboids

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the inside (lateral side) of the big toe, up the inside leg to the hip, backward on the hip, up around the waist and forward along the rib cage halfway to sternum.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Gallbladder Meridian

General Information:  This meridian is associated with the small organ function of the gallbladder that stores and concentrates the bile from the liver, which aids in digestion, particularly of fats. It constructs and releases bile when fats reach the duodenum from the stomach. On a cellular level this same function of maintaining fat metabolism related to the subtle energy of the Gallbladder Meridian.

Functions:  Stores and excretes bile, one of the Six Extraordinary Organs

Physical Branches:  Eyes, tendons, tears, nails

Emotion:  Anger and Resentment

Sound:  Shouting

Season:  Spring

Associated Element:  Wood

Color:  Yellow green

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day:  11 PM - 1 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Anterior Deltoid, Popliteus

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the outside corner of the eye, back to ear then up and loop forward around the forehead, back behind the ear, up to the frontal eminences, down again behind ear, behind the shoulder, behind arm, done the side of the chest, hip and leg to the end of the 4th toe.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Triple Warmer Meridian

General Information:   This meridian takes the form of three "heats", the heat of metabolism, maintaining body "heat", and the heat of the "fight or flight" or life passions. The function is associated wit various interactions of gland secretions involved in our various human passions. The adrenal glands  function in concert with other hormonal glands, particularly in fighting or running away in a monument of crisis, or recovery from injury, illness, malfunction and generalized stress.

Four of the muscles that are related to this meridian function are muscles involved in running, pushing off, or getting on your toes, all essential fight or flight / passion muscles.  The pituitary gland  works in concert with other endocrine glands that have functions related to the heat of life passion, procreative activity and sexual pleasure, life and death circumstances, cause worth suffering no dying for, etc.

This meridian is a somewhat mysterious one in that it is aid to have organ function in the Chinese energy system, yet it is not associated with a specific organ. It is said to have function, but no form, or it is alternatively defined as having its function through the interactions of three different groups of organs found in the thoracic, upper and lower abdominal areas.

Functions:  Regulates transformation and transportation of bodily fluids.

Physical Branches:  Blood, tongue, throat, sweat, facial complexion

Emotion:  Joy, Love and Hate

Sound:  Laughing

Season: Summer

Associated Element:  Fire

Color:  Orange red

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day:  9 - 11 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Teres Minor, Sartorius, Gracillis, Soleus, Gastrocnemius

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from end of ring finger, up back of hand and arm, across shoulder and around back of ear ending at the eyebrow

Monday, August 28, 2017

Circulation / Sex Meridian

General Information:   This meridian pertains to the many functions that are intimately associated with the hormones and chemical messengers related to all reproduction whether it be appropriate balance in cell production or sexual recreation. It has to do with the nourishment of nes cells and the preparation for cell reproduction. It involves the menstruation cycles, ovarian, and uterine functions and prostate and testicular functions. This include the pleasures of sexual love. It also has to do with passing on genetic, cultural and personals heritage.

The Circulation-Sex Meridian is sometimes called the Pericardium Meridian and related to the muscular function of the heart and blood vessels, that which keeps the beat steady and appropriate for the external and internal environments.

Functions:  Protects the heart

Physical Branches:  blood, tongue, throat, sweat, facial complexion

Emotion:  Joy, Love and Hate

Sound:  Laughing

Season:  Summer

Associated Element:  Fire

Color:  Purple red

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  7 - 9 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Gluteus Medius, Adductors, Piriformis, Gluteus Maximus

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the outside nipple down the middle of the inside of the arm to the end of the thumb side of the middle finger

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Kidney Meridian

General Information:  This is involved in controlling the volume, composition, and pressure of fluids in all the cells as well as the whole Soul and it important in growth, development and reproductive functions. Blood flows through the kidneys at its highest pressure, toxins are filtered out, and nourishing materials are directed to where they are needed.

Water is symbolic of mystery, emotional and spirit. Kidney Meridian Function is involved in the balance of these aspects of life. In Chinese medicine the Kidney is also said to be a storehouse of life force and has a strong spiritual aspect.

Functions:  Stores prenatal essence, filters the blood

Physical Branches:  Ears, bones, urine, head and pubic hair, brain, marrow

Emotion:  Fear and Anxiety

Sound:  Groaning

Season:  Winter

Associated Element:  Water

Color:  Light flame blue

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  5 - 7 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Psoas, Upper Trapezius, Illiacus

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the ball of the foot, around the ankle, up the inside of the leg past the inside of the knee, past the edge of the pubic bone, up the abdomen and chest to the inside end of the collarbone.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Bladder Meridian

General Information:  The function is to store waste liquid before elimination, not only in the urinary bladder but also in all of the cells and throughout the Soul. In the Chinese system, the Bladder is said to be a storehouse of emotions. and so the Bladder Function is involved in the water balance / emotional balance in the whole Soul. Water is eliminated as it reaches excessive volume, or when waste material is highly concentrated.

The urinary bladder is always "full" since the muscles expand or contract as more liquid is received from the kidneys. By drinking more pure water, the bladder is actually strengthened through exercise of the expanding bladder muscles. Water is a potent symbol for emotion and mystery in life. When we are able to accept more of a vast mystery of existence, and allow our emotions to flow, we find our tolerance and flexibility increase.

Functions:  Stores and eliminates urine

Physical Branches:  Autonomous nervous system

Emotion:  Fear and Anxiety

Sound:  Groaning

Season:  Winter

Associated Element:  Water

Color:  Deep blue

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day:  3 - 5 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Peroneus, Sacrospinalis, Anterior Tibial, Posterior Tibial

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, first channel from the inside corner of the eye, over the head and down the back and out along the crease of the buttocks. Go back to the original line at the shoulder for Second Channel. Go outside of the original line, past the buttocks, down the back of the leg to the end of the little toe.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Small Intestines

General Information:  It is primarily related to absorption of nutritious substances and the separation of waste material. These same functions take place on the cellular level, and in the Soul as a whole. It is the assimilation of influences and stiff from outside the Soul. The small intestine winds for 23 feet and has three main parts, the Duodenum, the Jejunum, and the Ileum.

Throughout the small intestine, various secretions from other organs are added to the liquefied food, which aid in the absorption of nutrients. Bacteria make up a large amount of the contents of the small intestine, also acting upon the materials that enter so that they can be absorbed.

Functions:  Absorbs nutrients, digestion and elimination

Physical Branches:  Blood, tongue, throat, sweat, facial complexion

Emotion:   Joy, Love and Hate

Sound:  Laughing

Season:  Summer

Associated Element:   Fire

Color:  Pink

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day:  1 - 3 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Quadriceps, Abdominals

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from outside end of little finger up outside of arm halfway down shoulder blades, up to neck, across cheek towards nose and end in front of ear

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Heart Meridian

General Information:  This involves the cycling of the blood as well as electrical communication with the rest of the cells of the whole Soul. The heart is in constant communication with all of the organs and muscle to determine their blood / oxygen needs from moment to moment. The heart generated 5000 times more powerful electrical messages throughout the Soul than the brain.

In the Chinese belief system, the heart is also strongly associated with mental processes, while in the West we have the traditional metaphor of the heart as an emotional center and center of wisdom. On Chinese medicine, the heart is called "sovereign ruler" which direct action with clear insight.

Functions:  Pulse/circulation, house of the spirit

Physical Branches:  Blood, tongue, throat, sweat, facial complexion, adrenals, thyroid, prostate, pituitary

Emotion:  Joy, Love and Hate

Sound:  Laughing

Season:  Summer

Associated Element:  Fire

Color:   Red with slight blue tint

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  11 AM - 1 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Only one - Subscapularis

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from armpit down inside of arm to thumb side of little finger nail. (We never trace the Heart backwards)

Friday, August 18, 2017

Spleen Meridian

General Information:  This serves a very important function. While the stomach receives raw material, the spleen function to transform them into useable forms and to distribute them.  It is a moment in the cycle to assimilating what is appropriate and identifying toxic or harmful elements to be eliminated. The Spleen function also related to immune function, purifying the blood, increasing power of the white blood cells and removing the damages and dead red blood cells.

Pancreas function is also related to the Spleen Meridian and is involved in sugar metabolism, particularly, and digestion in general, breaking things down into manageable parts.

Functions:   Cleanses and 'modifies' the blood, houses the body's Yi (wisdom mind)

Physical Branches:  Muscles, lips, mouth, saliva, lymphatic system

Positive Emotions:  Trust, honesty, openness, acceptance, equanimity, balance, and impartiality

Negative Emotions:  Worry, excessive thinking, pensiveness, obsessiveness, remorse, regret, obsessions, and self-doubt

Emotion:  Empathy and Sympathy

Sound:  Singing

Season:   Late Summer

Associated Element:  Earth

Color:  Orange Yellow

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  9 - 11 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Latissimus Dorsi, Middle Trapezius, Lower Trapezius, Opponens Pollicis, Triceps

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the medial side of the big toe, up leg and body to arm crease and down side seem to 9th rib.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Stomach Meridian

General Information:  Involves receiving potential nutrients and initiating the digestive functions. The 35 million cells in the stomach have multiple functions besides taking in new material and new ideas. It also mixed and temporarily stores them for further assimilation. It is a moment in the cycle of seeing what is available and tagging it for use in other functions of the Soul. The Stomach Meridian is associated with the mouth as the beginning of the digestive system and involves the sense of smell, vision, etc.

Digestion truly begins in the brain and the Stomach Function has a strong mental / emotional component as well as a dietary component.  We come into first contact with potential nutrients and new ideas through what we see, smell, hear and digestion occurs best when it involves a full appreciate with five senses. Sometimes we don't see what we're taking in (watch what we eat), or we swallow something without chewing, or without realizing that it's poison. We need to be aware of what we're taking in whether it's a food, a feeling, a thought, etc.

Functions:  Digestion, absorption of postnatal energy

Physical Branches:  Muscles, lips, mouth, saliva

Emotion:  Empathy and Sympathy

Sound:  Singing

Season:  Late Summer

Associated Element:  Earth

Color: Deep Yellow

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day: 7 - 9 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Pectoralis Major Clavicular, Levator Scapulae, Anterior Neck Flexors, Posterior Neck Extensors, Brachioradialis

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, start below the eye, go down the jaw, around the cheek to the Frontal Eminences, over the eye, down the jaw and front of the neck, out slightly along the collar-bone, down the chest and abdomen, across the front of the hip, down the outside of the front of the leg, to the end of the 2nd toe.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Governing Meridian

General Information:  This meridian is connected with all the other meridians including the Central. It is a storage vessel for excess or used energy before this energy is released with the breath. Prior to using the other muscles as indicators of imbalances in the Soul, it is important to uncover / release this stored energy by considering the burdens that a person is literally or figuratively carrying. This is associate with the function of standing and Spine function. It may also be related to Pineal Function that relates to the day / night cycles of light and darkness.

Emotion:   No general emotion attached

Associated Element:   None

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day: No Time of Day

Muscles Associated with Meridian:   Only one - Teres Major

How to Trace:  From the tail bone, up the spine over the top of the head and down the face to just above the middle of the top lip.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Central Meridian

General Information:  Sometimes known as the Conception Meridian. The Central and Governing Meridians relate to the balance of energy in terms of utilized amount of Soul compared to the amount of energy retained and stored for future use. This meridians are closely associated with he Lung Meridian for their similar functions of intake and release of energy and sir are draw into and released form the Soul.

Emotion:  No general emotion attached

Associated Element:  None

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  No Time of Day

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Only one - Supraspinatus

How to Trace:  In an upward direction, from the center of the pubic bone, up the center of the body to the bottom of the lip.

Watch the Video Here

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The 14 Major Meridians

For this post I am simply going to list the 14 major meridians in the body with just a few notes for each. A more complete blog posting will follow featuring each meridian,

Each of the 14 meridians have an associated muscle. This muscle when tested will (to some extend) indicate the activity or lack of activity of that particular meridian. Here, I will list the meridian with each associated muscle. Each meridian is also associated with a time of day, the major 12, each representing a 2 hour block of time.

The basic Touch for Health session that I provide will test all 14 muscles, hence, the 14 meridians.

There are 2 meridians, Central and Governing, that are not part of the "body" 12 meridians.
Central - associated muscle Teres Major, and Governing - associated muscle Supraspinatus.

Since the 12 meridians represent 2 hours each or the full 24 hour day, when traced one after the other are "linked" together. This simply means that where one ends the next one starts relatively close, until the last one will end close to where the first starts. If there is an energy blockage anywhere in the flow, it can affect the other meridian "down stream".

So here is the list of the 12 meridians, in order with each associate muscle.
Stomach - Pectoralis Major Clavicular
Spleen - Latissimus Doris
Heart - Subscapularis
Small Intestines - Quadriceps
Bladder - Peroneus
Kidney - Psoas
Circulation / Sex - Gluteus Medius
Triple Warmer - Teres Minor
Gall Bladder - Anterior Deltoid
Liver - Pectoralis Major Sternal
Lungs - Anterior Serratus
Large Intestines - Fascia Lata

The meridians are divided into 2 sections: Yin and Yang and each has special  qualities:

Oriental medical philosophy recognizes an energy that is magnetic, having a north and south pole, expressed in the body as positive and negative polarized. The positive energy is called "yang" or male, and the negative energy is called "yin" or female. Generally speaking, the yin energy flows from the feet to the head, and the yang energy from the head toward the feet. The body in whole and part has both the positive within the negative, and the negative with the positive.

Yin                                                                      Yang
Female                                                                 Male
Solid                                                                    Hollow
Cold                                                                     Hot
Moon                                                                   Sun
Inside                                                                   Outside
Dark                                                                     Light
Deep                                                                    Superficial
Up                                                                        Down
Hard                                                                     Soft 
Always working                                                  Work and Rest

Maybe in later blog post, a description of each of these qualities may be discussed. But for now, a general list is provided. 

As you can see by this list, it covers every major system of the body, and by balancing the meridians, the body is affected.

What to do next, (like local) go to this web site and contact me for an appointment to have your system balanced. What are you waiting for?

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Dr. John Thie Does Touch for Health Demonstration

Dr. John Thie (Founder of Touch for Health) does a
Touch for Health balance in
Durham, North Carolina, July 2005

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

What is a Meridian and the Meridian Cycle

What is a Meridian?
Acupressure vessels, or meridians, are located throughout the body. They contain a free-flowing, colorless, non-cellular liquid which may b partly actuated by the heart. These meridians have been measure and mapped by modern technological methods. With practice, they can also be felt. There are specific acupunure points along the meridians. These points are electro-magnetic.

We name meridians but the left function wth which they seem to associate. In most case, Thie name is similar to the name of a gros organe we're familiar with, yet muscle indication of energy blockage doesn't mean theres' damage to the organ named. We cannot say that a weak muscle means a weak organ -- we cab only note that a portion of he meridian energy flow indicates blockage or contraction.

The Chineses physician can detect imbalances in meridians by feeling the pulses, but this is a sensitive touch, and it may take 10 - 20 years to develop proficiency with it. Touch for Health uses muscle testing to detect these same imbalances, taking advantage of the body's own wisdom to let us know what's going on.

The Meridian Cycle
Meridians are classified yin or yang on the basis of the direction in which they flow on the surface of the body. Meridians interconnect deep within the torso, but we work with the part that is on the surface and is accessible touch techniques. Yang energy flows from the sun, and yang meridians run from the fingers to the face or from the face to the feet. Yin energy, from the earth, flows from the feet to the torsos and from the torso along the inside (yinside) of the arms to the fingertips.

Since the meridian flow is actually one continuous, unbroken flow, the energy flows in one definite direction, and from one meridian to another in a well determined order. Since there is no beginning or end to this flow, we represent the order of the meridian wheel.

As we glaring this wheel following he meridian lines, and flow follows this order on the body:
      From torso to fingertip (along inside of arm - yin)
      From fingertip to face (along outside / back of arm - yang)
      From face to feet (along outside of the leg - yang)
      From feet to torso (along the inside of the leg - yin)

We go through this four-step process three times to cover the twelve major meridians. Running the meridian with the hand can be a quick energizing massage. Complete the massage by running the central and governing meridians, which run directly up the back and front of he body to the upper and lower lip.

When this energy flow is unrestricted, the body harmonizes the flow to optimize body functioning. Sometimes, though, the life we lead and the abuses we heap upon out bodies cause stress, and sometimes the stress is so intense or so constant that, in effect, it "overloads" the circuit. The "circuit breaker" pops, and need to be reset before energy can flow properly. Our indications of whether this has occurred is the muscle test. If a muscle tests weak, we know we have to go to certain spots on the body and press or hold to reset the body and restore proper flow. The restoration of flow is immediately indicated by a strengthening of the muscle.

Reference:  Thie, J.F. (1973). Touch for Health. Pasadena, CA. T.H. Enterprises.