Tuesday, March 14, 2017

What is a Meridian and the Meridian Cycle

What is a Meridian?
Acupressure vessels, or meridians, are located throughout the body. They contain a free-flowing, colorless, non-cellular liquid which may b partly actuated by the heart. These meridians have been measure and mapped by modern technological methods. With practice, they can also be felt. There are specific acupunure points along the meridians. These points are electro-magnetic.

We name meridians but the left function wth which they seem to associate. In most case, Thie name is similar to the name of a gros organe we're familiar with, yet muscle indication of energy blockage doesn't mean theres' damage to the organ named. We cannot say that a weak muscle means a weak organ -- we cab only note that a portion of he meridian energy flow indicates blockage or contraction.

The Chineses physician can detect imbalances in meridians by feeling the pulses, but this is a sensitive touch, and it may take 10 - 20 years to develop proficiency with it. Touch for Health uses muscle testing to detect these same imbalances, taking advantage of the body's own wisdom to let us know what's going on.

The Meridian Cycle
Meridians are classified yin or yang on the basis of the direction in which they flow on the surface of the body. Meridians interconnect deep within the torso, but we work with the part that is on the surface and is accessible touch techniques. Yang energy flows from the sun, and yang meridians run from the fingers to the face or from the face to the feet. Yin energy, from the earth, flows from the feet to the torsos and from the torso along the inside (yinside) of the arms to the fingertips.

Since the meridian flow is actually one continuous, unbroken flow, the energy flows in one definite direction, and from one meridian to another in a well determined order. Since there is no beginning or end to this flow, we represent the order of the meridian wheel.

As we glaring this wheel following he meridian lines, and flow follows this order on the body:
      From torso to fingertip (along inside of arm - yin)
      From fingertip to face (along outside / back of arm - yang)
      From face to feet (along outside of the leg - yang)
      From feet to torso (along the inside of the leg - yin)

We go through this four-step process three times to cover the twelve major meridians. Running the meridian with the hand can be a quick energizing massage. Complete the massage by running the central and governing meridians, which run directly up the back and front of he body to the upper and lower lip.

When this energy flow is unrestricted, the body harmonizes the flow to optimize body functioning. Sometimes, though, the life we lead and the abuses we heap upon out bodies cause stress, and sometimes the stress is so intense or so constant that, in effect, it "overloads" the circuit. The "circuit breaker" pops, and need to be reset before energy can flow properly. Our indications of whether this has occurred is the muscle test. If a muscle tests weak, we know we have to go to certain spots on the body and press or hold to reset the body and restore proper flow. The restoration of flow is immediately indicated by a strengthening of the muscle.

Reference:  Thie, J.F. (1973). Touch for Health. Pasadena, CA. T.H. Enterprises.

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