Showing posts with label Herbology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbology. Show all posts

Friday, November 25, 2016

Classification of Herbs

All herbs belong to one or more classifications or group. There are 11 groups that will be listed.

Alternative Group 
These herbs clear the body of toxins, They tend to correct conditions, They are used to change existing nutritive and excretory processes to regulate body functions.

Examples: Red Clover, Nettles, Golden Seal root and leaves, Burdock root, and Yellow dock root.

Astringent Group
An herb that draws together or constricts body tissues, and is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions.

Examples: Witch hazel, Red Raspberry leaves, White Ash bark, and White Oak bark.

Demulcent Group
These herbs coat and soothe irritated mucous membranes. They are used in the common cold and coughs syrups.

Examples: Marshmallow root, Slippery Elm, Mullein leaves, and Plantain leaves.

Diaphoretic Group
These herbs cause perspiration but are not as visible or intensely felt as the Sudorific herbs.

Examples: Blessed thistle, Hyssop, Pleurisy root, Sage leaves, Yarrow, and Chamomile.

Sudorific Group
These promote heavy perspiration by stimulating the sudorific glands.

Examples: Boneset, Bayberry Bark, Yarrow stems and leaves, and Sage leaves

Diuretic Group
An herb that increases the flow of urine.

Examples: Horsetail, Chickweed, Juniper berries, Fennel seed and Comfrey root

Expectorant Group
These are herbs that aid to decrease and expel excessive accumulations of mucous in common colds, coughs, throat, and bronchi irritations.

Examples: Wild Cherry bark, Pleurisy root, Nettle leaves, White Pine barks, and Pine buds.

These herbs stimulate secretions of intestinal glands, and excite a moderate peristalsis, creating a mild evacuation of stool while softening them.

Examples: Senna leaves, and Cascara Sagrada for some.

Anthelmintic Group
An herb that destroys and/or expels parasites from the body.

Examples: Wormwood seed, Peach leaves, Black Walnut leaves, Pumpkin seeds, and garlic.

Herbs that acts as a tonic to the nerves.

Examples: Valerian root, Chamomile, Catnip, and Vervain.

Tonic Group
An herb that invigorates and stimulates tone and energy to the body.

Examples: Raspberry leaves, Strawberry leaves, Nettles, Ginseng, and Saw Palmetto leaves