Thursday, August 24, 2017

Bladder Meridian

General Information:  The function is to store waste liquid before elimination, not only in the urinary bladder but also in all of the cells and throughout the Soul. In the Chinese system, the Bladder is said to be a storehouse of emotions. and so the Bladder Function is involved in the water balance / emotional balance in the whole Soul. Water is eliminated as it reaches excessive volume, or when waste material is highly concentrated.

The urinary bladder is always "full" since the muscles expand or contract as more liquid is received from the kidneys. By drinking more pure water, the bladder is actually strengthened through exercise of the expanding bladder muscles. Water is a potent symbol for emotion and mystery in life. When we are able to accept more of a vast mystery of existence, and allow our emotions to flow, we find our tolerance and flexibility increase.

Functions:  Stores and eliminates urine

Physical Branches:  Autonomous nervous system

Emotion:  Fear and Anxiety

Sound:  Groaning

Season:  Winter

Associated Element:  Water

Color:  Deep blue

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day:  3 - 5 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Peroneus, Sacrospinalis, Anterior Tibial, Posterior Tibial

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, first channel from the inside corner of the eye, over the head and down the back and out along the crease of the buttocks. Go back to the original line at the shoulder for Second Channel. Go outside of the original line, past the buttocks, down the back of the leg to the end of the little toe.

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