Saturday, August 26, 2017

Kidney Meridian

General Information:  This is involved in controlling the volume, composition, and pressure of fluids in all the cells as well as the whole Soul and it important in growth, development and reproductive functions. Blood flows through the kidneys at its highest pressure, toxins are filtered out, and nourishing materials are directed to where they are needed.

Water is symbolic of mystery, emotional and spirit. Kidney Meridian Function is involved in the balance of these aspects of life. In Chinese medicine the Kidney is also said to be a storehouse of life force and has a strong spiritual aspect.

Functions:  Stores prenatal essence, filters the blood

Physical Branches:  Ears, bones, urine, head and pubic hair, brain, marrow

Emotion:  Fear and Anxiety

Sound:  Groaning

Season:  Winter

Associated Element:  Water

Color:  Light flame blue

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  5 - 7 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Psoas, Upper Trapezius, Illiacus

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the ball of the foot, around the ankle, up the inside of the leg past the inside of the knee, past the edge of the pubic bone, up the abdomen and chest to the inside end of the collarbone.

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