Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Stomach Meridian

General Information:  Involves receiving potential nutrients and initiating the digestive functions. The 35 million cells in the stomach have multiple functions besides taking in new material and new ideas. It also mixed and temporarily stores them for further assimilation. It is a moment in the cycle of seeing what is available and tagging it for use in other functions of the Soul. The Stomach Meridian is associated with the mouth as the beginning of the digestive system and involves the sense of smell, vision, etc.

Digestion truly begins in the brain and the Stomach Function has a strong mental / emotional component as well as a dietary component.  We come into first contact with potential nutrients and new ideas through what we see, smell, hear and digestion occurs best when it involves a full appreciate with five senses. Sometimes we don't see what we're taking in (watch what we eat), or we swallow something without chewing, or without realizing that it's poison. We need to be aware of what we're taking in whether it's a food, a feeling, a thought, etc.

Functions:  Digestion, absorption of postnatal energy

Physical Branches:  Muscles, lips, mouth, saliva

Emotion:  Empathy and Sympathy

Sound:  Singing

Season:  Late Summer

Associated Element:  Earth

Color: Deep Yellow

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day: 7 - 9 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Pectoralis Major Clavicular, Levator Scapulae, Anterior Neck Flexors, Posterior Neck Extensors, Brachioradialis

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, start below the eye, go down the jaw, around the cheek to the Frontal Eminences, over the eye, down the jaw and front of the neck, out slightly along the collar-bone, down the chest and abdomen, across the front of the hip, down the outside of the front of the leg, to the end of the 2nd toe.

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