Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Triple Warmer Meridian

General Information:   This meridian takes the form of three "heats", the heat of metabolism, maintaining body "heat", and the heat of the "fight or flight" or life passions. The function is associated wit various interactions of gland secretions involved in our various human passions. The adrenal glands  function in concert with other hormonal glands, particularly in fighting or running away in a monument of crisis, or recovery from injury, illness, malfunction and generalized stress.

Four of the muscles that are related to this meridian function are muscles involved in running, pushing off, or getting on your toes, all essential fight or flight / passion muscles.  The pituitary gland  works in concert with other endocrine glands that have functions related to the heat of life passion, procreative activity and sexual pleasure, life and death circumstances, cause worth suffering no dying for, etc.

This meridian is a somewhat mysterious one in that it is aid to have organ function in the Chinese energy system, yet it is not associated with a specific organ. It is said to have function, but no form, or it is alternatively defined as having its function through the interactions of three different groups of organs found in the thoracic, upper and lower abdominal areas.

Functions:  Regulates transformation and transportation of bodily fluids.

Physical Branches:  Blood, tongue, throat, sweat, facial complexion

Emotion:  Joy, Love and Hate

Sound:  Laughing

Season: Summer

Associated Element:  Fire

Color:  Orange red

Meridian Type:  Yang

Time of Day:  9 - 11 PM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Teres Minor, Sartorius, Gracillis, Soleus, Gastrocnemius

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from end of ring finger, up back of hand and arm, across shoulder and around back of ear ending at the eyebrow

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