Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The 14 Major Meridians

For this post I am simply going to list the 14 major meridians in the body with just a few notes for each. A more complete blog posting will follow featuring each meridian,

Each of the 14 meridians have an associated muscle. This muscle when tested will (to some extend) indicate the activity or lack of activity of that particular meridian. Here, I will list the meridian with each associated muscle. Each meridian is also associated with a time of day, the major 12, each representing a 2 hour block of time.

The basic Touch for Health session that I provide will test all 14 muscles, hence, the 14 meridians.

There are 2 meridians, Central and Governing, that are not part of the "body" 12 meridians.
Central - associated muscle Teres Major, and Governing - associated muscle Supraspinatus.

Since the 12 meridians represent 2 hours each or the full 24 hour day, when traced one after the other are "linked" together. This simply means that where one ends the next one starts relatively close, until the last one will end close to where the first starts. If there is an energy blockage anywhere in the flow, it can affect the other meridian "down stream".

So here is the list of the 12 meridians, in order with each associate muscle.
Stomach - Pectoralis Major Clavicular
Spleen - Latissimus Doris
Heart - Subscapularis
Small Intestines - Quadriceps
Bladder - Peroneus
Kidney - Psoas
Circulation / Sex - Gluteus Medius
Triple Warmer - Teres Minor
Gall Bladder - Anterior Deltoid
Liver - Pectoralis Major Sternal
Lungs - Anterior Serratus
Large Intestines - Fascia Lata

The meridians are divided into 2 sections: Yin and Yang and each has special  qualities:

Oriental medical philosophy recognizes an energy that is magnetic, having a north and south pole, expressed in the body as positive and negative polarized. The positive energy is called "yang" or male, and the negative energy is called "yin" or female. Generally speaking, the yin energy flows from the feet to the head, and the yang energy from the head toward the feet. The body in whole and part has both the positive within the negative, and the negative with the positive.

Yin                                                                      Yang
Female                                                                 Male
Solid                                                                    Hollow
Cold                                                                     Hot
Moon                                                                   Sun
Inside                                                                   Outside
Dark                                                                     Light
Deep                                                                    Superficial
Up                                                                        Down
Hard                                                                     Soft 
Always working                                                  Work and Rest

Maybe in later blog post, a description of each of these qualities may be discussed. But for now, a general list is provided. 

As you can see by this list, it covers every major system of the body, and by balancing the meridians, the body is affected.

What to do next, (like local) go to this web site and contact me for an appointment to have your system balanced. What are you waiting for?

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