Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Lung Meridian

General Information:  This meridian performs vital function in TFH. While survival may be difficult without water and food for more than a week or two, we usually cannot live without Aires from more than about three minutes. Each lung is an essential organ that serves the primary function of respiration and the exchange of gases (mainly oxygen and carbon dioxide), operating as the foremost and fundamental source of life energy as well as an important channel of elimination.

The lungs also supply the air flow necessary to speak, sing, and make other vocal sounds, In addition to drawing air (oxygen), the lung meridian function is said to draw in to release Chi, and regulate the status of the Chi in the whole Soul.

Functions:  Accepts pure fluids from spleen, which are then mixed with air, and circulated through the meridians, circulates Wei Qi

Physical Branches:  Nose, skin, body hair, mucus

Emotion:  Grief, Guilt, and Regret

Sound:  Crying and Deep Sighing

Season:  Autumn

Associated Element:  Metal

Color:  Pure white

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  3 - 5 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Anterior Serratus, Coracobrachialis, Deltoids, Diaphragm

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the fleshy space below shoulder and above the rib cage, down the inside of the font of the arm to the end of the thumb.

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