Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Stomach Upset by Taking Vitamins

This is a clear sign of hydrochorhydria and a need for supplemental HCL. Low stomach acid can cause discomfort when taking supplemental vitamins. Hydrochlorhydria is a very common problem and leads to a number of digestive complaints including H. Pylori infection, bowel toxemia, dysbiosis, pancreatic insufficiency and leaky gut syndrome.

Hydrochlorhydria has a number of possible etiologies that include:

  • Sympathetic dominance
  • Antacid drug use
  • Excess sugar and refined foods
  • Chronic overeating
  • Excess carbohydrate and alcohol consumption
  • Nutrient deficiencies, especially zinc and thiamin
  • H-Pylori infection
Many of the above can lead to irritation of the gatric mucosa causing a decreases output of acid from the parietal cells. Sensitivity to supplements is one of the potential side effects of this process.

Clinically many people with hydrochlorhydria are sensitive to zinc and feel nauseated taking supplemental zinc. Zinc deficiency is strongly associated with hydrochlorhydria because zinc is an essential nutrient in the production of HCL from the parietal cells. We need to assess for zinc levels in all clients suffering from swallowing their supplements, they maybe in need of supplemental HCL.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

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