Sunday, September 3, 2017

Liver Meridian

General Information:  This meridian is associated with the liver which has more functions than any other organ. Each cell has more programmed instructions than the most sophisticated computer program, and the liver meridian may activate a large number of the absorption and detoxification instructions. The liver is the largest physical organ and is most active while you sleep. The liver is said to store blood while the body is at rest, and also to exert particular influence over the lower abdomen, and so is considered of central importance in women's menstrual cycle and sexuality.

Liver meridian function is involved in digestion, metabolism, storage, and distribution of nourishment, filtration, detoxification, and immune function.

Functions:  Stores the blood, governs the free flow of qi

Physical Branches:  Eyes, tendons, tears, nails

Emotion:  Anger and Resentment

Sound:   Shouting

Season:  Spring

Associated Element:  Wood

Color:  Deep green

Meridian Type:  Yin

Time of Day:  1 - 3 AM

Muscles Associated with Meridian:  Pectoralis Major Sternal, Rhomboids

How to Trace:  Bilaterally, from the inside (lateral side) of the big toe, up the inside leg to the hip, backward on the hip, up around the waist and forward along the rib cage halfway to sternum.

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