Sunday, May 13, 2018

Tendency to Anemia

Anemia is often treated as if it were due to iron deficiency. There are a number of other nutritional causes for anemia including B12, folic acid, copper and B6 deficiencies. A thorough analysis of a blood chemistry and CNC can uncover the true cause of an anemia.

Often a compromised digestive tract, with a tendency towards hypochlorhydria can cause a persistent anemia, because the minerals and vitamins are not being absorbed properly due to the functional low HCL levels in the stomach. A thorough assessment of the digestive tract is warranted in cases of stubborn anemia.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Pain in the Mid Back Region

Pain in the mid back region is a classic sign of kidney problems, especially infection. A kidney infection is a serious problem, and should be managed by a clinician experienced in dealing with them. If possible pathology has been ruled out, pain in the mid back region can be an indication of kidney stress.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Difficult Maintaining Manipulative Correction

A difficulty maintaining manipulative corrective or pain after manipulative correction are signs of ligament laxity. From a functional perspective, increased ligament laxity is a strong sign of adrenal insuffiency. It may also be an indication of a general need for connective tissue support. Balancing the overall structure of the body is essential and a general protocol for supporting the connective tissue is important.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Cough at Night

A cough at night is a sign of congestive heart failure. Backpressure on the aorta will increase the pressures on the pulmonary arteries and veins leading from the heart to the lungs. This is especially true when the person is lining down at night.  The lungs are in danger of filling with fluid, which causes the person to cough. Obviously a person should also be assesses for other conditions more closely associated with the lungs.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bach Flower: Mustard

Mustard And Depression

The Bach flower remedy Mustard is a gentle essence that soothes and eases away depression that has no known cause. While many get depressed after the loss of a loved one or failure at school or work, the depression that calls for Mustard is one that descends like a black cloud suddenly, leaving the person incapable of doing anything except grit his teeth and bear it till it disappears as mysteriously as it came. It is like an impenetrable wall which
has no openings, cutting him off from the world, enveloping him in its all encompassing gloom.


When this depression hits someone, you’ll find that the person has beads of sweat on his face, especially his forehead and his face shows the strain. You’ll often find him sitting with his head in his hands as though he knows he has to bear this fearful thing that surrounds him with no hope of escape. He can’t hide the pain he feels. All he wants to do is to stay away from everyone till the foul fog lifts.


It’s as though mentally he has been forced to tune into another frequency or dimension because he goes into a place where no logic operates. Nothing others tell him and nothing he tells himself works. More often than not, people who suffer from this kind of depression are highly intelligent and capable of very coherent thought when they are not in the grip of the attack. They realize that what affects them has no logical explanation. With Mustard, these attacks grew less frequent and diminish in intensity. It also lessens the abject fear that holds many people who go through this depression in its grip.


There is a certain passivity in this person. People might reach out to him but he can never love back wholeheartedly. It could be that he fears that the depression will hurt the ones he loves. The deep fear of that unknown gloom makes him rather numb to a lot of the softer, kinder feelings and he tends to push people away sometimes. On the whole, he is a kind, gentle soul but sometimes his heart can’t feel because he feels drained of all emotion. If he does feel that he is getting too close to someone, chances are he will panic at some point of time and cut and run. This essence of the Mustard flower gently but surely helps him learn to love and give of himself.


There is an emptiness inside that never seems to be filled because he doesn’t want it to and this leaves him incapable of experiencing true, abandoned joy. Most of his energy is turned inward to combat the
dark forces within and this leaves him with no energy left to ponder over his soul. Strangely, these people are connected with nature and her beauty and might seek solace from it with long lonely walks.  However, this is very often an escape from the confines of a house and while at some level he might feel the beauty around him, he never gives himself wholly to it. Mustard helps him relax and look outward. It opens out the windows of his soul and lets the sunshine in.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Friday, May 4, 2018

Pain on the Medial or Inner Side of the Knee

The medial or inner side of the knee is the insertion of the Sartorius muscle into the area known as the Pes Anserine. This area is one of the reflex areas for the adrenal glands. Tenderness in this area is an indication of adrenal insufficiency. Assessing the other reflex points and other adrenal tests will give a larger view of the adrenal system, and whethe or not it needs support. It is obviously important to make sure that there is no structural problems in this area.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Awaken a Few Hours After Falling Asleep, Hard to Get back to Sleep

This is a classic symptom of low blood sugar. At night the blood sugar begins to drop, especially at around 1:00 AM in the morning. If this is you, you need to have your blood sugar regulation assesses for hypoglycemia. A diet diary will also indicate the kind of meal they eat at night. Sometimes a little juice or snack right before going to bed can help with the low blood sugar. This is, or course, only a temporary solution. Blood sugar regulation needs to be assessed and you need to start on a protocol that will help address this issue.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Belching or Gas One Hour After a Meal

Belching or gas one hour after a meal is a strong indication of digestive dysfunction with either hypochlorhydria or pancreatic insufficiency. The delayed nature of the belching or gas may point to a pancreatic insufficiency over hypochlorhydria. Lack of pancreatic secretions in the small intestine can lead to purification of proteins or fermentation of carbohydrates, giving off gas as by-product.  You may also complain of bloating in the mid to lower abdomen.

Clinical experience has shown that these two conditions ar often linked and share a common etiology:

  • Sympathetic dominance
  • Antacid drug use
  • Excess sugar and refined foods
  • Chronic overeating
  • Constant snaking between meals
  • Excess carbohydrate, and alcohol consumption
  • Nutrient defieciencies, especially zinc and thiamin
  • H-Pylori infection

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing