Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Stomach

When digestion is weak, fewer nutrients will be absorbed. Enzyme production will suffer so digestion ability worsens in a vicious cycle. This applies particularly to the digestion of protein, which is the main raw material of all digestives enzymes and hormones.

The main role of gastric juices in the stomach:

  • Destroy bacteria and other micro-organisms found in food
  • Separate vitamin B12 from food and combine it with intrinsic factor
  • Release minerals from food
  • Prepare protein for digestion by pancreatic enzymes
  • Stimulate the rest of the digestive process, especially bicarbonate and pancreatic enzyme production

Many of these process depend on the high acidity if gastric juice, in the form of hydrochloric acid (HCl). Acid is needed to stimulate the production of bicarbonate by the live and pancreas. In turn bicarbonate makes the gut contents more alkaline, and this act as a trigger for the release of digestive enzymes.

Reference: Lazarides, L. (2010). A textbook of modern naturopathy. London:

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