Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lymphatic Rosary

The lymphatic system is found in zone 6. When the lymphatic circulation becomes slow and overburdened with waste materials, a congestion results.

This condition is seen in the iris as small, cloud-like spots called tophi. Sometimes these clouds are seen in varying distances into the interior, but generally are found near the periphery. They resemble a stig of pearls or rosary and get their name from this appearance. The whiteness of these spots indicated that there is an acute activity or inflammation. Sometimes they appear to be yellow or light brown. This indicates that the condition has existed for some time.

When this system it not functioning properly, there is a build up of catarrh and mucus. The body's resistance to stress and illness is weakened, and it becomes susceptible to disease.

Lymphatic circulation is based on muscular contraction. Therefore, exercise is essential for the prevention of lymphatic congestion. One excercsie you could perform in jumping on a small trampoline. This gets the lymph moving throughout the entire body. Other exercises helpful would be walking and swinging the arms, and deep breathing. All of these have proven excellent for cleansing the lymph.

Other suggestions would be to drink plenty of water, eliminate mucus-forming foods like diary products, wheat and sugar. Lymphatic massage also helps move the lymph.

The predominant mineral element of the lymph fluid is organic sodium. Organic sodium in the lymph fluid helps to hold calcium in the bone and keeps the joints limber and pliable. Avoid table salt that is not organic or natural.

Tonsils and adenoids are lymphoid tissues. Many individuals have had these removed, a sign that they were overworked and enlarged as a result of excessive toxic material they were unable to eliminate. At that time, a cleansing program was indicated, as well as proper nutrition and exercise. They would have helped prevent lymph congestion in later years.

Other organs relating to the lymphatic system are the appendix and spleen.

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