Monday, April 9, 2018

Sleepy After Meals

Being sleepy after meals is a sign of blood sugar dysregulation, or inadequate digestion, which leaves a heavy amount of food in the digestive system that needs to be digested. An increased carbohydrate load in a meal, without adequate protein and fat to provide a balance, will lead to an increase in insulin. Increased insulin will lower the blood sugar very rapidly, leading to a concomitant lowering of the blood glucose. This causes post-prandial sleepiness. This is a common complaint after lunch, which tends to be a meal heavily weighted towards carbohydrates. Having the correct protein carbohydrate ratio in each meal will increase energy after the meal and ensure that the energy is long lasting.

People with digestion dysfunction also complain of being sleepy after meals. This is due to a large amount of energy being used up by the body to digest food in an environment that is lacking the necessary gastric juices and enzymes. It is important to remember that the symtom of being sleepy after meals is not just a problem with blood sugar dysregulation. Consider that people with this symptom may also be suffering from hypochlorhydria, which is a very common problem and leads to a number of digestive complaints including H. Pylori infection, bowel toxemia, dysbiosis, pancreatic insufficiency and leaky gut syndrome.

Hypochlorhydria has number of possible causes that include:

  • Sympathetic dominance
  • Antacid drug use
  • Excess sugar and refined foods
  • Chronic overeating
  • Constant snacking between meals
  • Excess carbohydrate and alcohol consumtion
  • Nutrient deficiencies, especially zinc and thiamin
  • H-Pylori infection

Zinc defieciency has also been associated with hypochlorhydria and should therefore be assessed.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

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