Monday, May 14, 2018

Bach Flower: Scleranthus

Scleranthus And Consistency

The Bach flower remedy Scleranthus is just the thing for people who can never make up their minds. First it’s one thing, then another – their
chameleon-like minds can never settle on one decision. Even if they do, they will always feel later that perhaps their decision should have been
different. The thing about a person who needs Scleranthus is that they will not involve others in their indecisiveness. It’s all in their own minds and
they try to work it out themselves.


His physical symptoms are very often the same – they swing from one extreme to the other. So he could have high fever one day and no fever the next. Or he could go from constipation to loose motions. He will eat  heartily one day and feel like fasting the next. There is no consistency in his symptoms. A woman might want to change her dress many times a day while a child could be fidgety. This person’s gait could be a bit unsteady and have a problem of balance caused by infections of the inner ear. He
tends to be unsure while he is talking, very often retracting what he has said. Scleranthus helps him be more consistent and helps him walk and talk in a more balanced way.


There’s a constant to and fro, back and forth movement in their minds like a pendulum. These people are quiet and rarely trouble others with the constant state of confusion they are in mentally. However, they tend to procrastinate taking decisions or doing work and this can affect those around them when decisions are needed in a hurry. It affects him personally when there is something important he has to remember at an examination or a meeting and it goes out of his mind – he remembers it later. These memory lapses can be annoying and problematic. Scleranthus will show a marked improvement in memory and will make him calmer and more consistent mentally.


He will absolutely adore someone one day and find fault the next. He finds it very difficult to feel the same from one day to the next. Thanks to this vacillation, in love, the person may not be able to make up his mind and could have two or more relationships going on at the same time. He is also not consistent with his children – hugging them one day and reprimanding them the next.


While these people do have a sense of beauty around them and can be by themselves and contemplate the wonder of what they see, they tend to not so much question logically but change their mind about what to believe in. This makes them try and seek answers in different denominations and just when you think they have found what they are looking for, they are off again on their quest, sometimes going back to something they believed in before. The only constant is their inconsistency. This flower remedy brings about a calm and steady rhythm of the soul.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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