Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Bach Flower: Cherry Plum

Cherry Plum And Control

The Bach flower remedy Cherry Plum is the essence of cool, calm control. Where it is needed most is when a person loses control – physically,
emotionally or mentally. It’s almost as though he can’t help himself – something innocuous can set him off and suddenly for no perceivable rhyme or reason, he can lose his cool and very often cause untold damage. Any little comment can drive him over the edge and he lashes out without thinking.


A perceived slight or insult can make him turn violent and abusive. This is a great remedy for men who lose their tempers and beat up their wives and
children in a fit of anger. Things sometimes get so bad that he will even kill himself. Someone who needs Cherry Plum is susceptible to strokes. In
a woman, this lack of control is seen in shopaholics who just cannot control their buying. It is also very helpful for children who lose control and throw  temper tantrums, often turning violent like screaming and banging their head against the wall. Or in a child who cannot stop wetting his bed. This happens very often to a child who is reserved and holds back during the day and loses control of his muscles at night. Cherry Plum has also proved beneficial in alcoholism and drug addiction as well as smoking.


He cannot control his thoughts which is what makes him lose control of his actions. His mind is like a merry go round, always looking for flaws and faults. Even when he does get a bit calmer in the mind and tries to tell himself that he should control himself, there’s nothing he can do when the
uncontrollable mood hits him. It’s like a wave that carries him along and he can’t do anything to stop. In his mind, he does not like what he is and tries to forget but he can’t. Cherry Plum calms him down and makes him more in control of his thoughts.


Everything he feels is larger than life – his loves, his hates, his fears. Any emotional pain is unbearable and multiplied several times over in his heart. He doesn’t feel others’ pain though, as he is very self obsessed. His own pain might seem exaggerated to others but he feels deeply and goes
through a lot of anguish in his life. What Cherry Plum does is to calm him down and make him more objective. This way, he feels his own pain less and is aware of what others are going through.


Rarely is this person a spiritual person. Since he is not overly concerned with anyone’s feelings but his own, he cannot see the larger picture and is often caught in a web of his own little needs and feelings. With Cherry Plum, there is a calm in his heart which opens it out to see the wonder of
things around him and to appreciate all that he has – including his family and friends.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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