Saturday, January 20, 2018

Can Hear Heart Beat on Pillow At Night

Being able to hear one’s pulse beat on the pillow at night is a sign of circulatory stress. Circulation of the blood through the arteries, veins, capillaries is dependent on the health of these vessels. Bioflavonoids are essential nutrients for the health of the linings of blood vessels. Clients who are deficient in calcium and / or Vitamin B1 may also experience this symptom.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Friday, January 19, 2018

Part 4: 76-100 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health by Nancy Appleton, PhD

76.  Sugar can cause dyspepsia (indigestion).

77.  Sugar can increase the risk of developing gout.

78.  Sugar can increase the levels of glucose in the blood much higher than complex carbohydrates in a glucose tolerance test can.

79.  Sugar reduces learning capacity.

80.  Sugar can cause two blood proteins – albumin and lipoproteins – to function less
effectively, which may reduce the body’s ability to handle fat and cholesterol.

81.  Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.

82.  Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness, which causes blood clots.

83.  Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance – some hormones become underactive and others become overactive.

84.  Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

85.  Sugar can cause free radicals and oxidative stress.

86.  Sugar can lead to biliary tract cancer.

87.  Sugar increases the risk of pregnant adolescents delivering a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant.

88.  Sugar can lead to a substantial decrease the in the length of pregnancy among adolescents.

89.  Sugar slows food’s travel time through the gastrointestinal tract.

90.  Sugar increases the concentration of bile acids in stool and bacterial enzymes in the colon, which can modify bile to produce cancer-causing compounds and colon cancer.

91.  Sugar increases estradiol (the most potent form of naturally occurring estrogen) in men.

92.  Sugar combines with and destroys phosphatase, a digestive enzyme, which makes digestion more difficult.

93.  Sugar can be a risk factor for gallbladder cancer.

94.  Sugar is an addictive substance.

95.  Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol.

96.  Sugar can aggravate premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

97.  Sugar can decrease emotional stability.

98.  Sugar promotes excessive food intake in obese people.

99.  Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit disorder (ADD).

100. Sugar can slow the ability of the adrenal glands to function

Nancy Appleton Books Health Blog

Sugar Kills!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Feeling of Insecurity

There can be psychological reasons for this symptom. But some of the functional problems would include hypo-functionsin of the adrenal glands and / or deficiency in the folic acid and other B vitamins.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Part 3: 51-75 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health by Nancy Appleton, PhD

51.  Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.

52.  Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.

53.  Sugar can change the structure of protein.

54.  Sugar can make the skin wrinkle by changing the structure of collagen.

55.  Sugar can cause cataracts.

56.  Sugar can cause emphysema.

57.  Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.

58.  Sugar can promote an elevation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL).

59.  Sugar can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in the body.

60.  Sugar lowers enzymes ability to function.

61.  Sugar intake is associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease.

62.  Sugar can increase the size of the liver by making the liver cells divide.

63.  Sugar can increase the amount of liver fat.

64.  Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.

65.  Sugar can damage the pancreas.

66.  Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention.

67.  Sugar is the number one enemy of the bowel movement.

68.  Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness).

69.  Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.

70.  Sugar can make tendons more brittle.

71.  Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.

72.  Sugar plays a role in pancreatic cancer in women.

73.  Sugar can adversely affect children’s grades in school.

74.  Sugar can cause depression.

75.  Sugar increases the risk of gastric cancer.

Nancy Appleton Books Health Blog

Sugar Kills!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Pulse Slow / Below 65

When the pulse is below 65 the following possible cause of the problem should be considered:

  1. A need for Vitamin B1
  2. Hypercalcemia (excess calcium in the blood)
  3. Adrenal hypofunction
  4. Parasympathetic dominance
  5. Endocrine hypofunction
  6. and / or food / environmental sensitivites
It is important to remember that a person who exercises regularly may have a pulse below 65. This is physiologically normal.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Monday, January 15, 2018

Part 2: 25-50 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health by Nancy Appleton, PhD

25.  Sugar can lead to alcoholism.

26.  Sugar can cause tooth decay.

27.  Sugar can lead to obesity.

28.  Sugar increases the risk of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

29.  Sugar can cause gastric or duodenal ulcers.

30.  Sugar can cause arthritis.

31.  Sugar can cause learning disorders in school children.

32.  Sugar assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections).

33.  Sugar can cause gallstones.

34.  Sugar can cause heart disease.

35.  Sugar can cause appendicitis.

36.  Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.

37.  Sugar can cause varicose veins.

38.  Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.

39.  Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.

40.  Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.

41.  Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.

42.  Sugar can lower the amount of Vitamin E in the blood.

43.  Sugar can decrease the amount of growth hormones in the body.

44.  Sugar can increase cholesterol.

45.  Sugar increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which form when sugar binds non-enzymatically to protein.

46.  Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein.

47.  Sugar causes food allergies.

48.  Sugar can contribute to diabetes.

49.  Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.

50.  Sugar can lead to eczema in children.

Nancy Appleton Books Health Blog

Sugar Kills!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Pain or Swelling in Joints

There are many causes of pain and swelling in the joints. One of the most common causes is arthritis, either osteoarthritis or an inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis. Many types of arthritis are associated with dysbiosis and an increases intestinal hyper-permeability. Assessment of the digestive system is important.

Many people with pain or swelling in the joints are helped with B6 supplementation. The supplemental support has some ideas for helping these clients cope with pain and promote joint healing.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Part 1: 1-25 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health by Nancy Appleton, PhD

  1. Sugar can suppress your immune system.
  2. Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body.
  3. Sugar can cause juvenile delinquency in children.
  4. Sugar eaten during pregnancy and lactation can influence muscle force production in offspring, which can affect an individual’s ability to exercise.
  5. Sugar in soda, when consumed by children, results in the children drinking less milk.
  6. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses and return them to fasting levels slower in oral contraceptive users.
  7. Sugar can increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage cells and tissues.
  8. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, inability to concentrate and crankiness in children.
  9. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
  10. Sugar reduces the body’s ability to defend against bacterial infection.
11.  Sugar causes a decline in tissue elasticity and function – the more sugar you eat, the more elasticity and function you lose.

12.  Sugar reduces high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

13.  Sugar can lead to chromium deficiency.

14.  Sugar can lead to ovarian cancer.

15.  Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose.

16.  Sugar causes copper deficiency.

17.  Sugar interferes with the body’s absorption of calcium and magnesium.

18.  Sugar may make eyes more vulnerable to age-related macular degeneration.

19.  Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

20.  Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.

21.  Sugar can lead to an acidic digestive tract.

22.  Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children.

23.  Sugar is frequently malabsorbed in patients with functional bowel disease.

24.  Sugar can cause premature aging.

25.  Sugar can lead to alcoholism.

Nancy Appleton Books Health Blog

Sugar Kills!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Frequent Skin Rashed and / or Hives

Frequent skin rashes and / or hives are an indication of calcium insufficiency and essential fatty acid needs. It is also an indicator of some sort of allergic response. Hives are a manifestation of immediate Type 1 hypersensitivity allergic reactions. It is important to thoroughly assess the digestive tract to rule out significant digestive involvement with frequent hives.

Other Indications
Low adrenal function

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing