Sunday, February 18, 2018


Nausea is often seen with digestive dysfunction. One of the most common causes of nausea is biliary insufficiency or stasis, a condition called cholestasis. The bile is an essential route of elimination of toxins from the liver. When the flow of bile is inhibited toxins can build up in the body leading to a feeling of nausea. Inhibition of bile flow can be caused by a number of different factors, including liver damage. Liver damage can be mild, in the form of an early onset of hepatitis, or severe as in the case in full blow hepatitis. Liver dysfunction that impairs bile flow can have a number of different symptoms including digestive disturbances and nausea. Other digestive cause include inadequate levels of stomach acid, pancreatic insufficiency, and excess stomach acid. An irritated mucosal lining of the digestive tract can also cause nausea.

Other indications: Drugs / toxins, pregnancy, mechanical obstruction

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Poisons Over Food

" One of the biggest tragedies if human civilization is the precedents of chemical therapy over nutrition. It's a substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons in trying to correct the reactions of starvation."

-- Royal Lee, DDS (1952)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Crave Chocolate

Crave of chocolate is a common sign of magnesium deficiency. Other symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:
  1. Being ticklish
  2. Being agoraphobic, they often dislike being in crowds
  3. having insomnia and / or restless leg syndrome
The chocolate craving may also indicate blood sugar dysregulation problem and a need to support the adrenals

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Monday, February 12, 2018

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Water, distilled

The quality of municipal tap water is questionable. Recent reports have indicated that many municipal water authorities are in violation of clean water standards. Significant levels of organic and inorganic chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, and lead have been found in municipal water supplies.  Unfortunately many of these pollutants are difficult to get rid of using the common purification methods that are in place in many areas of the country today. Studies have linked these pollutants with an increased risk of birth defects, mental disorders, cancer and many other health problems. Other pollutants such as fecal caliform bacteria, parasites and othe water burn pathogens have been reported in municipal water supplies.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Bach Flower: Centaury

Centaury And Can’t-Say-No

They’re everywhere – the doormats who end up doing so much for everyone else not really because they want to but because they just can’t say No. Inside, they might hate what they get into because they can’t stand up for themselves and usually find it easier to acquiesce to the stronger willed ones than to argue. The problem is, someone who needs Centaury often puts his own work and interests aside and run around at the bidding of others. Helping others is a virtue but in a person like this, it can be carried to extremes and is more of a weakness.


There’s an anxious look about them and they are always looking around to see if there’s something they should be doing. However, theirs is a more passive waiting around and they usually do things only when they are told to. They also looked tired and pale most of the time because most dominating people take advantage of their good nature and exploit them. Very often, the weaker personality adopts the phrases the stronger personality uses, maybe even the gestures. With Centaury,  there is a slow growing of confidence inside and you’ll find that they start saying ‘No’ –
gently at first, then more firmly.


This is a mind like a child’s and they go all out to help without questioning. There is a lack of maturity and they take things at face value, rarely questioning the baser motives of those who take advantage of them. They are weak willed and Centaury gives them the mental strength to stop
obeying others like slaves and to start thinking about themselves. It inspires them to becoming more individualistic and not echo the opinions of others. While they will still say Yes when someone asks them for help, they will also start saying No when what is expected from them is more than they can give. They will learn to ask whether what they are asked to do is do-able or not and will answer accordingly.


These people are very easily hurt and are extremely sensitive. Maybe that is why they help – hoping to always please others. They are always submissive and this makes certain people exercise an emotional control over them. They hate emotionally violent scenes and will do anything to
preserve the peace. In relationships like marriage, they usually end up with a partner who is bossy and a bully. They are rarely happy inside because nothing they do seems to be enough.


People who need Centaury are often swayed by religious people and could end up joining cults or following gurus who might exploit their good nature. They can easily be persuaded to follow a cause blindly. Centaury gives them a more objective view of things as they are and they can then be a part of a croup without losing their identity.

Reference: Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


When you notice any of the claims or techniques below being used in product advertising, you need to ask the following: Is this fact or fiction. Could there be any harm to me if I do this?

• It is a quick and effective cure-all.

• It can treat a serious or incurable disease.

• Ads make claims of miraculous breakthroughs, secret formulas, or the hidden ingredient that your doctor does not want you to know about.

• Ads use useless medical terminology.

• Ads equate “all natural” with “all safe.

• Ads use personal testimonies, even from physicians, that claim amazing results.

• Ads create urgency and use terms like “limited availability” and “act now.”

• There is a no-risk, money-back guarantee.

• There are promises of an easy fix for a complex condition, such as overweight or impotency.