Friday, March 16, 2018

Bach Flower: Elm

Elm And Inadequacy

The Back flower remedy Elm is great in the lives of strong and responsible people when they have their occasional moments of inadequacy or weakness. In general, those who might need Elm usually do not need it on a continuing basis – they need it  occasionally when they hit the potholes  of exhaustion and weakness on a road that they usually travel with a great deal of hard work, courage and strength.


Elm people are capable and usually hold positions of responsibility and power. They come up in any organization by the sheer don't of hard work
and they can be thoroughly relied on to get any job done. They never shirk their responsibilities and it is only when there is far too much work for them to manage that they show signs of not being able to cope. A few doses of Elm is all it takes to get them up and going again. Elm also makes them see that there are some things that are simply too much for them to handle – so maybe they should leave it to be done later or get more hands on the job.


For the most part, Elm people are optimistic and altruistic. They take things in their stride and if there is one fault, they think that they can handle anything - not in a proud, boastful way but in a very practical way. This sometimes means that they bite off more than they can chew simply because they did not view it with objectivity. When they find that they cannot cope, there is a momentary feeling of depression and if this is allowed to continue, they may just lose their self confidence. With a few
doses of Elm, they regain the mental strength to cope with whatever needs to be done.


Very often, the Elm person relies on himself a little too much and this can lay him open to hurt. He thinks if he does things well, emotionally, too, things will go the way he expects them to. Moderation is something that Elm teaches him – that and the objectivity to see things as they are and not expect them to be what he wants them to be. Elm has been called ‘psychological smelling salts’ and the moment a person like this feels low, he should take a dose of Elm to feel good again. Elm really is a great revitalizer even in matters of the heart.


Many Elm people will offer to do a lot when it comes to their church or their religious place of worship. Very soon, they find that everyone else just passes on any work to be done to them and there comes a time when it can be overwhelming. To prevent being at the receiving end of others’ laziness and not to feel a sense of despair, a few doses of Elm will help you feel much better.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Margarine is a man-made, chemically altered fat. Margarine was developed as the great healthy, easy-to-spreads cholesterol free, alternative to butter, because it was made out of vegetable oil. Unfortunately margarine is none of these. It is not even a food.

Margarine is 100% hydrogenated oil and is full of trans fatty acids. A type of unnatural, man-made fat that have been linked with the following health problems:

1. Cancer: high levels of trans fats have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
2. Trans fats have been linked with increased platelet stickiness, which is associated with coronary heart disease.
3. Pain and inflammation becomes much worse for people who eat hydrogenated fats.
4. Trans fatty acids block the body’s  production of naturallly occuring anti-inflammatories.
5. Trans fats are a source of immune system problems. They are incorporated into the cell membrane, where they increase cell memebrane permeability making them more susceptible to infection.
6. Trans fats block the body’s ability to metabolize and use the essential fatty acids, causing muscle fatigue and skin problems.

The body does not know how to deal with trans fatty acids, as they are a new introduction into the food chain. We do not have the mechanisms to digest them and they tend to hang around the body for a very long period of time. The half-life for trans fatty acids is 3-4 months, it takes 3-4 months for the body to decrease in half the level of a recently ingested trans fatty acid.

People are under the impression that eating margarine will cause them to be healthier. Nothing could be further from the truth. Butter, used in moderation, is by far the most acceptable and healthy choice. Margarine will cause an essential fatty acid defieciency.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Anemia Unresponsive to Iron

An anemia that is not responsive to iron may be a sign of digestion and / or absorption problems. The person may not be absorbing the supplemental iron due to a low amount of stomach acid. Also, many doctors may give iron for an anemia before considering its true cause. An anemia that is unresponsive to iron may be due to some other nutritiional defieciency, especially B12 and folic acid. Vitamin B12 required adequate stomach acid for its absorption. Zinc defieciency has been associated with hydrochlorhydri and should therefor be assessed.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Bach Flower: Clematis

Clematis And Concentration

The Back flower remedy Clematis is one that brings focus and concentration to a person when it is needed. People who need these are in a dreamy state quite out of tune with the world. They live in a dream world of their own making, forsaking the present to live in a dream-like future in their mind. They are rarely conscious of what is going on around them and even though they might be conscious of what is happening for a while, they drift back into their world of imagination very soon. Unlike the distracted, hyperactive person who is usually a pain, these people are just not present in any way except physically.


They are there with you or at least their bodies are but they hardly notice what you are saying or doing. You might have to repeat instructions or ask
questions a couple of times before anything penetrates. Their eyes have an unfocussed, glazed look and they tend to have a pale complexion. They bump into things when they walk and when they fall ill, they just lie back and rarely want to get better.


There’s no ambition, no clear plan for the future and no time management. You cannot give them something to do and expect it to be done on time. They are usually not a part of the rat race and function better at their own pace and in their own business. They never push themselves forward and
go with the flow in a rather yielding way. Tomorrow is that wonderful dream in their head – why should they worry about it or work towards it?


They might get emotional inside their head but they usually don’t outside. They are rather passive and there is no feeling in what they do – most of it is mechanical and done because it has to be done. Inside their head, they have a fertile imagination and they feel, see and smell the colors, the designs, the textures. With Clematis, they start getting more focused, they come out of their dream world and they see the beauty around them. They make wonderful artists, writers, photographers and fashion designers if Clematis is allowed to work gently on them, drawing them out. It might take time but it happens.


In a way, these people are deeply spiritual but their spirituality is not of the practical kind. Clematis makes them aware of people and things around them and slowly, they see the wonder of the present, not the mirage of a future inside their head. Clematis, while helping them concentrate also makes them feel in touch with themselves and be happy about it. It does not make them forget who they are inside – it augments that wonder inside so it flows out.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Eat Fast Food Regularly

We live in a fast food society with many demands on our time. Unfortunately choices we make with our time have long term impacts on our health. The choice to use fast food on a regular basis is one of these.

On of the major concerns of fast food is the type of oils and fats used to prepared and cook the food. Deep-fried foods and hydrogenated fats are the mainstay of fast food. Both of these will have long-term repercussions on health. Hydrogenated fats are a source of trans fatty acids. A type of unnatural, man-made fat has been linked with the following problems:

1. Cancer: high levels of trans fats have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
2. Trans fats have been linked with increased platelet stickiness, which is associated with coronary heart disease.
3. Pain and inflammation becomes much worse for people who eat hydrogenated fats.
4. Trans fatty acids block the body’s  production of naturallly occuring anti-inflammatories.
5. Trans fats are a source of immune system problems. They are incorporated into the cell membrane, where they increase cell memebrane permeability making them more susceptible to infection.
6. Trans fats block the body’s ability to metabolize and use the essential fatty acids, causing muscle fatigue and skin problems.

Fast foods ar high is calories, and refined sugars, but low in active vitamins and minerals. The body has to metabolize the meal by robbing its stores of nutrients, leading to low energy, and nutrient deficiencies.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Weakness, Dizziness

Weakness and dizziness are classic signs of low functioning adrenal glands. The adrenal glands provide the initial control of blood pressures when you first stand up. If the adrenals are not functioning well, you will complain of dizziness, especially when standing up. The adrenal glands need further assessment.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.  

Basic Reflex Points of the Hand

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fried Foods

Fried foods refer to regular consumption of commercially prepared fried or deep-fried foods. Sautéing or stir-frying food is a little olive oil is not a problem. The problem for our health is the nature of the oil that is used for commercial frying. It is usually hydrogenated oil that sits around for a long time, is changed infrequently and is a source of oxidized fats. Any fats that is subjected to high heat for long periods of time will become oxidized or rancid, forming free radicals, which are then consumed.

The body not only have to deal with the intake of free radicals but also large amounts of hydrogenated fats, which are a source of trans fatty acids. A type of unnatural, man-made fats that has been linked with the following health problems:

1. Cancer: high levels of trans fats have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
2. Trans fats have been linked with increased platelet stickiness, which is associated with coronary heart disease.
3. Pain and inflammation becomes much worse for people who eat hydrogenated fats.
4. Trans fatty acids block the body’s  production of naturallly occuring anti-inflammatories.
5. Trans fats are a source of immune system problems. They are incorporated into the cell membrane, where they increase cell memebrane permeability making them more susceptible to infection.
6. Trans fats block the body’s ability to metabolize and use the essential fatty acids, causing muscle fatigue and skin problems.

Most foods that are fried or deep-fried can be prepared in other ways: broiling, baking, or grilling. All sources of hydrogenated fats must be cut out of the diet. It is a type of food that is not compatible with health.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Beta Blockers

Beta-blockers are drug for high blood pressure that blocks the boding of a substance called epinephrine to a particular cellular receptor known as a beta-receptor. The effect is to reduce the heart rate and decrease the ford of contraction in the heart. Some common beta-blockers include Secretal, Tenormin, Lopressor, Levatol, and Inderal. Beta blockers are also used to treat angina, and certain arrhythmias in the heart. In these cases beta blockers are not only ineffective but may actually contribute the condition they are trying to prevent.

The common side effects of beta blockers include:

  • Cold hands and feet
  • Impaired mental function
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Reduce libido and impotence
Beta blockers reduce the amount of blood being pumped by the heart, which reduces the amount of blood and oxygen to the extremities, hence cold hands and feet and impotence. Beta blockers will also increase cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels.

It is important to remember that drugs are toxins to the body, and put extra stress on the liver and kidneys, the two organs that get rid of the drugs from the body. 

DO NOT STOP TAKING THIS DRUG SUDDENLY, as this may cause sever withdrawal symptoms including headaches, increased heart rate, and dramatic increased in blood pressure. Always tale to you prescribing physician before stopping your beta blocker or any other drugs.

High blood pressure is a condition that responds well to diet, lifestyle, and supplemental treatment.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.