Saturday, March 10, 2018

Eat Fast Food Regularly

We live in a fast food society with many demands on our time. Unfortunately choices we make with our time have long term impacts on our health. The choice to use fast food on a regular basis is one of these.

On of the major concerns of fast food is the type of oils and fats used to prepared and cook the food. Deep-fried foods and hydrogenated fats are the mainstay of fast food. Both of these will have long-term repercussions on health. Hydrogenated fats are a source of trans fatty acids. A type of unnatural, man-made fat has been linked with the following problems:

1. Cancer: high levels of trans fats have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
2. Trans fats have been linked with increased platelet stickiness, which is associated with coronary heart disease.
3. Pain and inflammation becomes much worse for people who eat hydrogenated fats.
4. Trans fatty acids block the body’s  production of naturallly occuring anti-inflammatories.
5. Trans fats are a source of immune system problems. They are incorporated into the cell membrane, where they increase cell memebrane permeability making them more susceptible to infection.
6. Trans fats block the body’s ability to metabolize and use the essential fatty acids, causing muscle fatigue and skin problems.

Fast foods ar high is calories, and refined sugars, but low in active vitamins and minerals. The body has to metabolize the meal by robbing its stores of nutrients, leading to low energy, and nutrient deficiencies.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

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