Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Bach Flower: Gentian

Gentian And Pessimism

The Bach flower remedy Gentian is, in its positive state, a supreme sense of faith – in God, in life, in self. However, in the negative state, it spells
pessimism, negativity and the cup-half-empty syndrome. A person who needs Gentian will only see the negative side of things, no matter how much he tries not to.


There’s a slight droop to his shoulders, his eyes don’t light up even when he hears something positive and he tends to avoid company when he feels too negative about things. If he does succumb to any infection, things could get worse simply because he expects them to and doesn’t make the
effort to get better. Gentian gives him hope to look forward with optimism.


He feels his life is in a bad way and things can only get worse, not better. So he looks at life with a jaundiced eye, always choosing to be unhappy rather than happy and contented. This naturally makes him gravitate to the unhappy areas in life and things just get worse. Gentian makes his mind look up and be more optimistic.


This negative attitude does not really make for good relationships. Any little argument or fight and he sees the relationship as crumbling and falling apart. Any small cloud on his emotional horizon is seen as a huge impediment so any relationship just spirals to a break up very soon. He also tends to be drawn to other negative people and this doesn’t help. Gentian helps him relax and see the positive side of things – and it helps him to ignore the little negative moments.


He finds it difficult to have faith and constantly questions. With Gentian, he is filled with a simple, overflowing faith that opens out the floodgates of optimism. Once this happens, more and more positive opportunities will present themselves to him and he can vibrate to the frequency of his
higher self. The self that was created to live in a state of joyfulness.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

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