Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Bach Flower: Water Violet

 Water Violet and Wallflowers

The Bach flower remedy Water Violet is for the ones who tend to blend into the background. These are the quiet wallflowers who are hardly ever heard and who are so quiet and unobtrusive that very
often, they are not noticed. They are reserved and hold themselves aloof, not out of pride but because they do not want the limelight.


Everything about them – from the way they look to the way they dress is done so as not to attract attention. Even if they are attractive, they tend to underplay their assets and don’t really want to enhance them in case that means that they get noticed. Their dress sense veers to the boring and the colors they choose are dull. They speak softly and usually answer rather than initiate a  conversation. Since they tend to suppress their  feelings without giving vent to them, they could end up with stiffness and stress problems. Water Violet makes them unbend a bit and participate in what goes on around them rather than just
answer the questions that are posed to them.


They are very self reliant and many scientists and innovators fall into this category. They tend to be calm and collected even in their thinking, rarely losing their tempers and never worried about things
that normal people worry about. However, this could make them loners and Water Violet is ideal to help them open up and share some of their thoughts with those they care about. It also teaches them that it isn’t wrong to get help and advice from others. There are some of them who need it more than others because even though they might seem quiet, there is a sense of superiority in them which needs to be ironed out.


Emotionally, too, they try and go against the ‘No man is an island’ bit and feel that they can be happy alone. To do this, even though they are hurt, they keep a stiff upper lip and this causes tension though they will be the last people to admit to it. Water Violet shows them how wonderful love can be and how sharing with someone special can be a delight.

In the negative state, these people shut themselves off from their higher self, feeling that what they are is all there is. They don’t like to open their souls to experiences that they cannot understand and where they have to give of themselves. So they clam up instead of opening out their spirit to receive the wonders of the universal energy. Water Violet helps them realize that this will only enrich them, not open their souls to hurt.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Monday, September 10, 2018

Flush Easily

If you indicate that you get flushed easily, you may be suffering from liver congestion. Women who are going through menopause may indicate an experience with hot flashes in the face. Acne rosacea can have symptoms of flushing. The primary cause of acne rosacea includes hypochlorhydria. An overactive thyroid may also contribute to this symptom.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Bach Flower: Beech

Beech And Intolerance

Beech is the flower remedy of tolerance and sympathy so someone who needs it is a person who is rigid and intolerant. This leads to a sense of
superiority in all his dealings with others and he is usually judgmental and condemning of anyone and everything around him. He just cannot tolerate
anyone who does not quite fit in with what he believes is right. You’ll find a great many religious people as well as atheists in this group and you’ll
find that they can be nasty and unyielding in what they believe in, never recognizing that everyone is entitled to their own point of view.


The rigidity of his beliefs makes him a tense person who can never relax and enjoy life. This brings about ailments like high blood pressure and
backaches. It also tends to make him a bit of a loner as sooner or later, people tend to avoid him. When he is younger or in a position of power, he could be feared as are most bullies but as he grows older, he is usually shunned or ridiculed. His illnesses usually spring from his unyielding outlook and he will even interfere with his doctors and try to tell them what is wrong or right with him.


A person in the negative Beech state is rarely happy. He cannot relax or enjoy himself in the moment as he is always looking for something or someone to find fault with. That unfortunately is his source of pleasure. Never conscious of the beam in his eye, he is always on the lookout for the mote in others. He lives in a constant state of irritability and the only time that he feels satisfied is when he feels he has scored points by putting someone else down. He is no respecter of age, gender or family. He will even attack the very young and hurt whenever he can with his views and his words. When people like these are in positions of authority especially in charge of educational institutions, it can cause untold harm to sensitive, young minds. This is a perfect example of a Svengali or a control freak who refuses to believe that anyone else’s beliefs, feelings or tastes can be right unless it coincides with his.


At a deeper level, these people are actually afraid of being found inferior and so are quick to attack before people can find them wanting. They find it hard to love as theirs is a possessive and controlling love rather than an accepting and giving one. Very often, people get to be this way because of something that has made them feel wanting in some area of their life. They compensate by focusing on others’ perceived flaws so they forget their own. Beech opens up their heart to give and receive love without conditions.


Spiritually, unless these people change – and treatment with Beech for a few months can change them drastically – they are empty. They rarely open up their heart to feel – they are too busy telling others what they should feel. So engrossed in finding flaws with whatever is around, they have no time or inclination to look into their hearts and spend time with their inner selves. There is a drastic change that comes on after they have experienced the wonder of this sympathetic flower remedy full of love and tolerance.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Abdominal Bloating 1 - 2 Hours After Eating

Abdominal bloating one to two hours after eating is an indication of digestive dysfunction with pancreatic insufficiency and / or hypochlorhydria with a need for stomach acid supplementation.  The delayed nature of the bloating suggests that the cause lies in the small instestine, and to some extend the colon.

Common causes of abdominal bloating 1 - 2 hours after eating include:

  • Hypochlorhydria
  • Pancreatinc insufficiency 
  • Bowel toxemia
  • Dysbiosis

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Bach Flower: Cherry Plum

Cherry Plum And Control

The Bach flower remedy Cherry Plum is the essence of cool, calm control. Where it is needed most is when a person loses control – physically,
emotionally or mentally. It’s almost as though he can’t help himself – something innocuous can set him off and suddenly for no perceivable rhyme or reason, he can lose his cool and very often cause untold damage. Any little comment can drive him over the edge and he lashes out without thinking.


A perceived slight or insult can make him turn violent and abusive. This is a great remedy for men who lose their tempers and beat up their wives and
children in a fit of anger. Things sometimes get so bad that he will even kill himself. Someone who needs Cherry Plum is susceptible to strokes. In
a woman, this lack of control is seen in shopaholics who just cannot control their buying. It is also very helpful for children who lose control and throw  temper tantrums, often turning violent like screaming and banging their head against the wall. Or in a child who cannot stop wetting his bed. This happens very often to a child who is reserved and holds back during the day and loses control of his muscles at night. Cherry Plum has also proved beneficial in alcoholism and drug addiction as well as smoking.


He cannot control his thoughts which is what makes him lose control of his actions. His mind is like a merry go round, always looking for flaws and faults. Even when he does get a bit calmer in the mind and tries to tell himself that he should control himself, there’s nothing he can do when the
uncontrollable mood hits him. It’s like a wave that carries him along and he can’t do anything to stop. In his mind, he does not like what he is and tries to forget but he can’t. Cherry Plum calms him down and makes him more in control of his thoughts.


Everything he feels is larger than life – his loves, his hates, his fears. Any emotional pain is unbearable and multiplied several times over in his heart. He doesn’t feel others’ pain though, as he is very self obsessed. His own pain might seem exaggerated to others but he feels deeply and goes
through a lot of anguish in his life. What Cherry Plum does is to calm him down and make him more objective. This way, he feels his own pain less and is aware of what others are going through.


Rarely is this person a spiritual person. Since he is not overly concerned with anyone’s feelings but his own, he cannot see the larger picture and is often caught in a web of his own little needs and feelings. With Cherry Plum, there is a calm in his heart which opens it out to see the wonder of
things around him and to appreciate all that he has – including his family and friends.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Gag Easily

A person wo gags easily is a state of parasympathetic stress. Too much potassium in relation to calcium can cause "parasympathetic dominance," which causes a general systemic shift toward alkalinity in the body resulting in tendencies toward lethargy, apathy, depression, loss of muscle tone, drive, concentration and emotion. Potassium tend to stimulates the parasympathetic system and therefore the body should be assessed for the correct mineral that can help balance the system.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Bach Flower: Chicory

Chicory And Conditional Love

The Bach flower remedy Chicory is about loving without conditions in its perfect positive state. In its negative state when it is absent however, the
person is the classic case who never lets you forget what you owe him and what he’s done or keeps doing for you. Their constant complaint is they
have done so much for you and after all that, look at the way you repay them. It’s almost as though every little gesture were a calculated attempt at keeping score of how much you owed him. He can be expansive and seem very generous but there will come a time when he comes around to collect what he feels is a fitting exchange for what he gave.


Never mind how self interested they are, in the beginning they come across as warm and very helpful folk. You usually never suspect in the beginning that everything they give you comes with conditions attached. Then slowly, they start to want  to have a say in everything you do. Followed of course with payback time. With Chicory, they learn to be nice without expecting anything in return – just for the sheer pleasure of being nice. It’s
a great children’s remedy – the sweet child who is nice to everyone and the moment she is thwarted, turns tantrum my and sullen. Just because she feels she is well behaved, she also expects not be checked or corrected for anything.


When someone needs Chicory, he is constantly assessing and calculating everything he does for everyone in his mind. It’s almost like his mind keeps score and attaches a value to every good deed he does so he can recover it in full measure later. In their minds, there is this tremendous
need for affection and it very often stems from being unloved as a child – and getting attention by making people feel obliged. Chicory makes a person like this more balanced and not feel the need for outside attention to feel good inside. It also teaches him that he cannot expect anything just because he helps or gives.


Emotional blackmail is common in people who need Chicory. It’s like a parent who does a lot for a child and then keeps reminding him about it till the day she dies. Or a person who tries to help by giving advice which usually turns into finding fault. This person will always make it out that it is because they love you so much and care for you that they are pointing out flaws in your make-up. Chicory takes away this ‘holding on’ with invisible emotional strings and helps a person to be more self sufficient.


These people, once they get into the positive Chicory state will astound you with their incredible capacity for loving and giving. A woman could become the epitome of motherhood while a man could rise to his full potential in every way, including spiritual growth. They learn to respect
another’s territory and stop wandering into areas that should not be of any concern to them.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com