Tuesday, April 4, 2017

43. High Blood Pressure Medications

High blood pressure is a condition that responds well to diet, lifestyle, and nutrition. The mainstream approach is to treat hypertension with beta-blockers, diuretic, calcium channel blockers, etc. This may be helpful in acute cases or situations when the blood pressure is very high. for most people a natural approach can reduce their dependence on such medication, which is not without significant side effects.

Many times the heart is just a mirror for deeper problems with the body. Changing the diet, reducing the amount of processed and refined foods and exercising can make a profound difference.

Please talk to your physician about ways to start working on the foundational issues that affect your body, and ways to treat blood pressure naturally.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

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