Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Recreational Drugs

Recreational drugs have significant health risks attached to their use. They place considerately strain on the body from the adrenal glands that are too often over stimulated by recreational drugs, to the liver and kidneys which have to detoxify and eliminate the drug from the body. If the drug use is combined with smoking, alcohol and or a poor diet, you are placing your body at more risk fro developing serious problems later on. Some drugs act as immune suppressants, leaving the body wide open for opportunistic infections. The overall impact on the body is a profound alteration in the internal environment or terrain. Increased exposure to free radical, pH changes and a systemic loss of minerals and vitamins provide even more stress on the body.

If you are using recreational drugs please talk to your physician about ways to improve the diet, and begin a nutritional supplement program that will lessen the impact of recreational drugs on the body.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

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