Friday, June 23, 2017

Iris Pupil Configurations

By observing the shape of the pupil and its size, it is possible to learn a great deal about where major stresses are occuring in the body.

The pupil is not located in the center of the iris. It is placed nasalward and slightly down from the geometric center.

If it is small and pinches down, a condition of extreme nervous tension is indicated. Often times the use of certain drugs will give this efffect. When the pupil is wide and open beyond normal, a condition of nerve depletion and exhaustion is present. The response to light is also an indication of tension or stress; therefore, the rate at which the pupil responds to light intensifies is important.

Rarely is the pupil evenly round in shape. It is usually flat on one side, elliptical, or oval. These aberrations in pupil to us indicate specific conditions in the body.

What does your pupil say about you? Call my Dynamic Balanced Health for your Iridology session. You will be glad you did.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

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