Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Alcohol is a metabolic toxin that carries with it some health risks. Its impact on the body is far reaching causing irritation to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to increased intestinal permeability (Leaky gut syndrome), a condition that allows unwanted substances to move from the intestinal tract into the blood stream. A leaky gut can cause allergies because of the unwanted material that is absorbed through the hyper-permeable digestive tract stimulates the immune system.

The regular use of alcohol can have a strong impact on your brain chemistry. Alcohol, and other substance such as refined sugars and flours and certain drugs, will interfere with the receptors in the brain for neurotransmitters. The brain identifies that the receptors for a certain neurotransmitter is already filled, so it reduces the amount of neurotransmitters it produces. As this level of neurotransmitters drop you begin to crave alcohol or refined sugar to fill newly emptied receptors in the brain. At some point you will no longed be able to fill the receptors with these empty foods and substances. At this point you begin to experience mood swings and an even more intense craving for alcohol or refined sugars.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

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