Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Specific Foods Make You Tired or Bloated

Any kind of bloating after a meal is a sign of digestive dysfunction with HCL deficiency and / or pancreatic insufficiency.  It is important to isolate the offending foods that cause the bloating. This can be done with an 0n-depth diet diary, a process where you write down everything you put in your mouth with a list of symptoms that follow.  Well-known offenders are diets high in refined foods, and low in vegetables and fiber.

It is essential that you slow down our eating and chew each mouthful thoroughly. This will prevent swallowing air, which is a well-known cause of bloating.

Lifestyle Changes

Chew food throughly and eat slowly. Most people eat too fast and swallow air with the food. This is one major cause of bloating. 

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

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