Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The 14 Major Meridians

For this post I am simply going to list the 14 major meridians in the body with just a few notes for each. A more complete blog posting will follow featuring each meridian,

Each of the 14 meridians have an associated muscle. This muscle when tested will (to some extend) indicate the activity or lack of activity of that particular meridian. Here, I will list the meridian with each associated muscle. Each meridian is also associated with a time of day, the major 12, each representing a 2 hour block of time.

The basic Touch for Health session that I provide will test all 14 muscles, hence, the 14 meridians.

There are 2 meridians, Central and Governing, that are not part of the "body" 12 meridians.
Central - associated muscle Teres Major, and Governing - associated muscle Supraspinatus.

Since the 12 meridians represent 2 hours each or the full 24 hour day, when traced one after the other are "linked" together. This simply means that where one ends the next one starts relatively close, until the last one will end close to where the first starts. If there is an energy blockage anywhere in the flow, it can affect the other meridian "down stream".

So here is the list of the 12 meridians, in order with each associate muscle.
Stomach - Pectoralis Major Clavicular
Spleen - Latissimus Doris
Heart - Subscapularis
Small Intestines - Quadriceps
Bladder - Peroneus
Kidney - Psoas
Circulation / Sex - Gluteus Medius
Triple Warmer - Teres Minor
Gall Bladder - Anterior Deltoid
Liver - Pectoralis Major Sternal
Lungs - Anterior Serratus
Large Intestines - Fascia Lata

The meridians are divided into 2 sections: Yin and Yang and each has special  qualities:

Oriental medical philosophy recognizes an energy that is magnetic, having a north and south pole, expressed in the body as positive and negative polarized. The positive energy is called "yang" or male, and the negative energy is called "yin" or female. Generally speaking, the yin energy flows from the feet to the head, and the yang energy from the head toward the feet. The body in whole and part has both the positive within the negative, and the negative with the positive.

Yin                                                                      Yang
Female                                                                 Male
Solid                                                                    Hollow
Cold                                                                     Hot
Moon                                                                   Sun
Inside                                                                   Outside
Dark                                                                     Light
Deep                                                                    Superficial
Up                                                                        Down
Hard                                                                     Soft 
Always working                                                  Work and Rest

Maybe in later blog post, a description of each of these qualities may be discussed. But for now, a general list is provided. 

As you can see by this list, it covers every major system of the body, and by balancing the meridians, the body is affected.

What to do next, (like local) go to this web site and contact me for an appointment to have your system balanced. What are you waiting for?

Monday, July 31, 2017


Frequent hoarseness is a sign of parathyroid dysfunction. The parathyroid gland are a pair of small glands, located in the throat near the thyroid. The parathyroid produces a hormone called parathyroid hormone of PTH. PTH causes an increase in the resorption of calcium from the bone and the intestines. Therefor, PTH is one of the major factors in regulation of calcium concentration in extra-cellular fluid.

A decrease in the level of ionized calcium is the primary stimulus for PTH secretion, while an increase is serum calcium inhibits PTH secretion. Parathyroid dysfunction may be a serious metabolic problem that should be evaluated by a doctor qualified to diagnose and treat parathyroid dysfunction.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Splitting Type Headache

There can be many causes of splitting type headaches. This should be assessed from a structure perspective. If all structural causes are ruled out, splitting type headaches may be due to biliary stasis or pituitary dysfunction, especially increased activity in the anterior pituitary.

Increased activity in the anterior pituitary is uncommon. The is question is referring to the possibility of a functional increase in anterior pituitary activity giving rise to an icncreased signal to the end organs of hormonal output: thyroid, adrenals, gonads, etc. An overt increase in anterior pituitary output is suggestive of a tumor and should be investigated by a clinician trained in such diagnoses.

Lifestyle Changes

Also eliminate all refined carbohydrate, alsohol, caffeine
Increase fresh raw fruits and vegetable in the diet
Increase pure water (6-8 glassed per day)
Get adequate rest and exercise

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Nervous, Emotional, Can't Work Under Pressure

Symptoms of being nervous, emotional, not being able to work under pressure and a sense of inner trembling are suggestive of an overactive thyroid. The thyroid gland and the hormones that it produces, act as an acceleration for the metabolism, Increased thyroid hormone can be produced from a thyroid tumor, or by a diffuse goiter, as in Grave's disease, which is marked by increased levels of thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Pain Between Shoulder Blades

Pain between the shoulder blades is a sign of gallbladder stasis due to referring pain from the gallbladder radiating up into the shoulder area. This is not a very strong or specific sign, as many other things can cause pain between the shoulder blades including nerve irritation, nerve impingement, bursitis, frozen shoulder, weak pectoralis muscles etc.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Basic Iris Topography

It is helpful for the newcomer to iridology to be able to recognize the major iris features.

Iridology involves study of a very intricate tissue structure. There are over 90 known specific areas mapped on each iris, and they are both different. The right iris responds to the right side of the body and the left responders to the left side. Therefore, there are ove 180 divisions to gather information from within the two irides, each smaller than a dime.

Starting from the pupil outward, the first major feature lies 1/3 the way out and forms the iris frill or autonomic nerve wreath. It is often irregular in shape and meanders about.

Thus feature separated the organs of digestion and assimilation from the rest of the body. On the inside of the wreath is found the stomach, small and large intestines. The wreath itself represents the autonomic nervous system.

Beyond the wreath, are found all other organs and tissues in the manner described in the chart.

You will notice form the illustration that there are 7 zones, each with a specific content.

On most individuals, the areas for the lungs, kidneys, bowels, and lover stand out as orientation features. From these, you can begin to establish the proximity of other areas that attract your attention.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Difficulty Gaining Weight, Evn with Large Appetite

Difficulty gaining weight, even with a large appetite, is a symptom of an overactive thyroid. The thyroid gland and the hormones that it produces, act as an accelerator for the metabolism. Increased thyroid hormone can be produced from a thyroid tumor, or by a diffuse goiter, as in Grave's disease, which is marked by increased levels of thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins.

This symptom is also seen in people with intestinal parasites or extreme cases of dysbiosis. The increased levels of mircoorganisms will use the food consumed as their source of energy, this depriving the "host" of the nutrients ingested from their meals.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.