Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Basic Iris Topography

It is helpful for the newcomer to iridology to be able to recognize the major iris features.

Iridology involves study of a very intricate tissue structure. There are over 90 known specific areas mapped on each iris, and they are both different. The right iris responds to the right side of the body and the left responders to the left side. Therefore, there are ove 180 divisions to gather information from within the two irides, each smaller than a dime.

Starting from the pupil outward, the first major feature lies 1/3 the way out and forms the iris frill or autonomic nerve wreath. It is often irregular in shape and meanders about.

Thus feature separated the organs of digestion and assimilation from the rest of the body. On the inside of the wreath is found the stomach, small and large intestines. The wreath itself represents the autonomic nervous system.

Beyond the wreath, are found all other organs and tissues in the manner described in the chart.

You will notice form the illustration that there are 7 zones, each with a specific content.

On most individuals, the areas for the lungs, kidneys, bowels, and lover stand out as orientation features. From these, you can begin to establish the proximity of other areas that attract your attention.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

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