Friday, July 7, 2017

Iris Color and Variations

There are only two basic eye colors in the world today: pure blue and pure brown. The structure of the stroma is different in the two.  The blue eyes is less dense, has its trabecula in the open and reveals itself  more clearly.  Blue eyes are much easier to study.  The brown eye is dense, not revealing the trabeculae and is more difficult to analyze.

There are variations between the true blue and the true brown eyes. Sometimes people born of blue- and brown-eyed parents have a mixture of both. Genetically, blue eyes are recessobe and brown dominant.

Colored spots of various densities are often observed in the iris. These come under two distinctions: psoralen and drug deposits. Psora or psoriasis itch spots are heavy, dark patches. They are usually inherited chemicals passed on from parents. When a while line encircles these areas, it indicates an irritation in the tissue.

Psora can be detinquished from drug spots and chemical spots in that the latter are usually smaller and different in color. It is very difficult if possible at all, to eliminate these pigments from the iris, but given a change in lifestyle and working for improved health, one can greatly reduce their effects in the next generation.

Chemical deposits including drugs show up in the iris as bright yellow, red, oraange, and other colors. Each color will signify a different condition. They are usually small and scattered about, Found mostly in the digestive zone and the glandular zone, these deposits are generally acquired from the environment during one's lifetime. When inherited by the next generation, they show up as psora.

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

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