Thursday, July 13, 2017

Types of Circuit Training

Circuit training can be totally customize, which mean there are an unlimited number of ways to structure a circuit training routine. Here are a few examples of the different types:

Timed Circuit
This involves working tp a set time period for both rest and exercise intervals. For example: a timed circuit might involve 30 seconds of an exercise followed but 30 seconds of rest between each exercise.

Competition Circuit
Similar to the times but each individual pushed themselves to see how many repetition can be done in a set period of time. For example: 12 push-ups in 30 seconds. The idea here is to keep the amount of time the same, but try to increase the number of repetitions in each time. You would be getting stronger as well as faster.

Repetition Circuit
This is great when working with large groups of people who have different levels of fitness and ability. The idea is to get the fittest group to do 20 repetitions of each exercise, the intermediate group to do 15 repetitions, while the beginners may do only 10 repetitions.

Sport-specific or Running Circuit
The type is best done outside or in a large, open area with exercises that are specific to the participants sport, or emphasize an aspect of the sport that needs improvement. Instead of resting between sets, you could easily run for 100 - 200 yards,

Reference: Walker, B. (2013). The Anatomy of Sports Injuries. Chichester, England. Lotus Publishing.

Neil Asher Advanced Trigger Point Techniques offers "The Anatomy of Sports Injuries" course, go here to check out what the course has to offer, along with other trigger point courses.

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