Saturday, November 4, 2017

Do You Feel Like Skipping Breakfast?

This is a sign of HCL or pancreatic enzyme need. This is a pattern seen in clients who eat a larger dinner very fat without chewing it properly. Unfortunately this causes the food to stay in the digestive system for a longer period of time, and in the morning they are still digesting and do not feel hungry. Encouragement of clients to break this habit by eating a smallish breakfast, having regular meals throughout the day and encouraging an earlier lighter dinner.
Zinc deficiency has been associated with hypochlorhydria and should therefor be assessed.

Enzymes break down food into compounds for absorption into the bloodstream. Food Enzymes has Betaine HCl, bile salt, bromelain, lipase, alpha amylase, pancreatin, papain and pepsin. Click here to see what else it can do for you.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

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