Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Types of Bones According to Shape

There are many types of bones according to shape.

Long Bones
Long bones are longer than they are wide. Examples include: the bones of the limbs, except those of the wrist, hand, ankle, and foot (although the bones of the fingers and toes are effectively miniature long bones).

Short Bones
Short bones are generally cube-shaped. Examples include: the carpals bones in the wrist and tarsal bones in the ankle.

Flat Bones
Flat bones are thin, flattened bone and are frequently curved. Examples include: most of the skull bones, the ribs, and the sternum.

Irregular Bones
Irregular bones have complicated shapes. Examples include: some skull bones, the vertebra and the hip bones.

Sesamoid Bones
From the Latin, meaning 'shaped like a sesame seed'. Examples include: the patella (knee cap) and the pisiform bone of the wrist.

Reference: Walker, B. (2013). The Anatomy of Sports Injuries. Chichester, England. Lotus Publishing.

Neil Asher Advanced Trigger Point Techniques offers "The Anatomy of Sports Injuries" course, go here to check out what the course has to offer, along with other trigger point courses.

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