Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What are the Types of Muscle Contractions?

There are three different types of muscle contractions. A brief description follows for all three:

1. Isometric Muscle Contraction
An isometric muscle contraction occurs when the muscle contracts but does not change in length. An example would be of this is if you were holding a box or weight in front of you, and held stationary. The biceps muscle contracts but does not change in length because the body is not moving up or down

2. Concentric Muscle Contraction
A concentric muscle contraction occurs when the muscle contracts and shortens at the same time. An example would be of this is lifting the body up into a chin-up position. The biceps muscles contracts and shortens as the body is raised up to the chin-up bar.

3. Eccentric Muscle Contraction
An eccentric muscle contraction occurs when the muscle contracts and lengthens at the same time. Example: the biceps brachii muscle contracts eccentrically to enable controlling the arm while lowering an object. While the arm is lowering (getting longer), it is still contracting in order to control it.


All these tips and more can be found in the course offered by Niel Asher Advanced Trigger Point Techniques called The Anatomy of Sports Injuries.  Very good course with lots of valuable information. Click here to review the details of this course and many others.

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