Saturday, February 24, 2018

Bach Flower: Cerato

Cerato And Lack Of Confidence

The Bach flower remedy Cerato in its positive state exudes confidence and a quiet but firm strength within. When there is a lack, the person exhibits
all the signs of being hopelessly under-confident and symptoms of a lack of self esteem. The main problem with a negative Cerato person is the fact
that he cannot think for himself and feels happier when someone else makes the decisions for him. The sad fact is, very often he makes the wrong decisions because he relies on others and not on his own inner strength.


You’ll always find him asking questions – not just any question but what you think he should do given the situation he is in. He’ll ask you for advice, then walk to someone else and ask them for advice too. It can get on everyone’s nerves at times especially in a large gathering or a workplace where the person  always seems to be airing all his problems in public. Cerato makes him calmer and as he starts to rely on his own judgement more and more, he becomes much more fun to be with because he stops asking those never-ending questions.


This person hoards knowledge because he is always asking questions. True, they are only about his own problems but as he has a problem in every area of his life, he learns a lot from a lot of people. Unfortunately, he does not process this knowledge to come up with solutions on his own and
so people tend to think of him as stupid. He always believes, in his mind, that his solutions and his judgement are flawed and not up to the mark. With Cerato, he slowly starts waking up to the fact that he can get advice but he has to finally take decisions and responsibility for his own life.


He has no identity of his own and even feels the way he thinks he is supposed to feel. He might even ask people for advice about how to feel about a certain situation or person because he does not trust himself to do the right thing. Cerato gives him emotional confidence and helps him to feel all right about the way he reacts emotionally to things and people. It also gives him the objectivity he needs to know when to correct himself.


Spiritually too, he might have his own opinions about things but he pushes them aside because he thinks they are not worthy of being put forward. He relies on others for his beliefs and refuses to listen to the voice within him telling him what is right for him. He firmly believes that what is right for others should be right for him. Cerato opens up his soul to connect with the universe on an individual basis, not using someone else as a conduit.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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