Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Bach Flower: Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle and Moping

The Bach flower remedy Honeysuckle in its positive state is happy in the now, looking forward to the future. When a person needs Honeysuckle
though, he just pines for the past. He cannot move on and looks back with longing, finding everything that is warm and wonderful in the days gone by and finding nothing that excites him or makes him happy in the now. He also has nothing that he looks forward to in the future.


They are so caught up in the past that they just cannot see what is good around them right in the here and now. Honeysuckle is especially useful
for children who have had to leave home, whether to a boarding school, to summer camp or if they have to be left with someone for a while, for
whatever reason. This flower remedy helps them to get over it and to look ahead with eagerness. For the older ones, this remedy helps historians and archaeologists to be more balanced and objective.


These people are caught in a kind of a time warp. A woman pining for her dead husband and not being able to cope with the present. A man stuck in the music of yesteryears, not wanting to see what is new or good in what is being done today. A businessman who will only do things in the
traditional, age-old way, not wanting to change. Honeysuckle opens their minds to new things and what is good in them.


Emotionally, too, these people think that only the relationships of the past were wonderful. They keep comparing what was with what they have and the present always falls short in comparison. Very often, their memories of the past are all colored with a rosy haze and they tend not to remember the unpleasantness of the past, focusing only on the good times and indulging in reminiscence. Honeysuckle makes them see the wonder of what they have and they learn to accept and appreciate what they have.


Honeysuckle helps to open a person’s heart to new spiritual experiences and not cling to the beliefs of the past which could just have become obsolete for the person concerned. It helps a person who is too into tradition and rituals to break free and see that what is new need not be bad but could in fact be better.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

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