Saturday, July 7, 2018

Bach Flower: Rock Rose

Rock Rose and Terror

The Bach flower remedy Rock Rose in its positive state stands for great courage and daring. In its negative state however, it manifests itself in terror – not just the terror of one individual but mass terror. Now mass could even be a few people but it is terror that affects everyone present. Imagine a roller coaster that suddenly goes off the rails or a plane that is making an emergency landing with its engine on fire. The fear and terror in the environment is palpable and can be felt in the very air you breathe.
Rock Rose is one of the constituents of Rescue Remedy.


Strangely, terror like this could produce a lot of adrenalin in some people and they could take flight or do things much more quickly in that terror stricken state. For others however, the terror could make them rooted to the spot, unable to move. Rock Rose makes them calmer and more logical in their thinking and helps them make sensible decisions. Rock Rose also gives a person tremendous strength for a short period to overcome whatever hurdles may appear in his path – or at least to deal with it.


The mind becomes numb, even while there are terror stricken images going through the brain. In its extreme state, terror holds the mind in total control. Rock Rose frees the mind from the grips of terror and helps it work again in order to weigh the options that could be open. It is a great way to prevent terror too. If a family member has to undergo a serious operation, Rock Rose helps keep the family calmer and more focused rather than give in to a wave of terror where no coherent thought is


This kind of terror affects people who are a bit dramatic. They view things as larger than life. Children who see a shadow and think it’s a ghost and who might have nightmares about it very often. Or a person who just cannot feel anything for anyone because he lives in terror of traffic after witnessing a terrible accident. Rock Rose frees the heart and the emotions from the clutches of terror and helps the person get on with his life.


Rock Rose is a great remedy when spiritual quests seem to have hit a ‘valley of death’ situation – where everything seems dark and fearful and there seems to be no way out to the light. Rock Rose mitigates the terror and darkness so that one can see the path ahead.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Friday, July 6, 2018

Morning Stiffness

Morning stiffness can be a sign of vitamin B6 need and / or essential fatty acid supplementation. Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin that is involved in the following functions in the body: energy metabolism, nervous system function, immune function and homocysteine metabolism. Women on the birth control pill will be B6 deficient.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Vulnerable to Insect Bites

Being vulnerable to insect bites is a classic sign of B complex need. For some reason people with low B vitamins in their body are very susceptible to mosquito and flea bites. It has been hypothesized that the B vitamins put out a certain odor that biting insects do not like, or that we still bitten but the bites goes unnoticed and go away very quickly. Whatever the reason, you need to take a low does naturally occurring B complex before going on that summer camping trip.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Star Spangled Banner

The original ''Star Spangled Banner'' that appeared in the dawn's early light over Ft. McHenry 200 years ago

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Lump in Throat

A lump in the throat is associated with potassium insufficiency and / or gallbladder dysfunction with biliary stasis.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Monday, July 2, 2018

Calf, Foot or Toe Cramps at Rest

Calf, foot or toe cramps at rest are an indication of calcium, magnesium or potassium deficiency. It is often necessary to take these minerals with an effective co-factor, such as supplemental HCl and essential fatty acids which will increase their digestion and /or absorption.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Bach Flower: Walnut

 Walnut And Change

Walnut is the flower remedy of change – change whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. What walnut does is to make the transition
from one state to another as smooth and as easy as possible. Walnut is a great remedy that helps one to ‘move on’ without being tied to the old. It can very often sever the ties that bind you to an old love, old hurt or old anger so it has often been called the ‘link breaker’. You stop looking back and start looking forward. It also helps to take that final step when you’ve almost made up your mind to do something but are dithering to take the plunge because you are anxious or scared. It can also free a person who is
being dominated by someone to become strong and move out as well as cutting oneself loose from an old and hopeless infatuation.


It is ideal for the constant traveler and helps one adjust better to time zones, jet lag, climate differences, food changes and people. Walnut also helps in the biological changes that a person has to go through in life. It is of special help during teething, puberty and menopause. It also helps a person cope with illness, especially when it is terminal and it is difficult to accept the physical changes that are taking place.


Walnut is useful when people go through change that brings on stress or just new ways that one has to adjust to mentally. This could be a new job, a new home, a new school or university or a new city or country. It could also mean a new phase in life like retirement, marriage or children. Walnut
gives a person the mental strength to break free of addictions like gambling, smoking and drinking. It also frees the mind from the binding diktats of superstitions and religious or community impediments.


Walnut is a great comfort when one has to adjust emotionally to a new period in one’s life. This could be because of the loss of a loved one, a break up, a child leaving home or losing a job. It helps one accept and move on instead of wallowing in the past. Walnut jolts a person out of inertia in order to help him change for the better. It gives the fillip a person needs to get out of the rut and walk on.


Walnut is a wonderful remedy when there are important spiritual decisions to be made like joining a new order, converting to another faith or embracing a new belief. It allows a person who stays within a sect or belief system because of birth or habit to build up enough courage to break free and stand up for what he believes or does not believe in.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Bach Flower: Wild Rose

Wild Rose and Apathy

The Bach flower remedy Wild Rose, in its negative state, manifests itself in an attitude of apathy and dis-spiritedness. They are just resigned to their fate,
never believing that things could get better and so they just go with the flow, not in joy but with the feeling that there is no other option.


They are rather boring people, with no interest in anything that goes on around them. This makes them quite unpopular or it might make people
in a group ignore them, leaving them to their
apathy. Wild Rose gives them the energy to be able to take an interest in people and things and to be a part of what is going on around them.


Sometimes, a Wild Rose negative state could be temporary, when the energy flowing through the body is low, especially after an illness. It feels like they have reached the limit of what they can do and they settle into a state of non-doing. Wild Rose helps them to feel involved again.


Emotionally, too, one needs to be very participative if one has to keep relationships going. These people are just not active enough and their passivity is often the reason for relationships going sour. It’s almost like they are in an emotional vacuum and have nothing to give to make love grow. Wild Rose may be needed over a long period of time to make the heart open up and love the way it should.


They are not seekers so how will they find? There is a kind of hopelessness when it comes to the soul and he does not try to make things better. Wild Rose makes him become more active in his spiritual life, urging him to look for answers inside his soul.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Anus Itches

Anal itching has a number of possible cause including intestinal parasites, which is especially true if the person has unexplained diarrhea or has recently returned from foreign travel. It can also be due to a need for bile salts and / or hydrochloric acid.

Other Indications:
1. Vitamin A and zinc need

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.