Saturday, July 7, 2018

Bach Flower: Rock Rose

Rock Rose and Terror

The Bach flower remedy Rock Rose in its positive state stands for great courage and daring. In its negative state however, it manifests itself in terror – not just the terror of one individual but mass terror. Now mass could even be a few people but it is terror that affects everyone present. Imagine a roller coaster that suddenly goes off the rails or a plane that is making an emergency landing with its engine on fire. The fear and terror in the environment is palpable and can be felt in the very air you breathe.
Rock Rose is one of the constituents of Rescue Remedy.


Strangely, terror like this could produce a lot of adrenalin in some people and they could take flight or do things much more quickly in that terror stricken state. For others however, the terror could make them rooted to the spot, unable to move. Rock Rose makes them calmer and more logical in their thinking and helps them make sensible decisions. Rock Rose also gives a person tremendous strength for a short period to overcome whatever hurdles may appear in his path – or at least to deal with it.


The mind becomes numb, even while there are terror stricken images going through the brain. In its extreme state, terror holds the mind in total control. Rock Rose frees the mind from the grips of terror and helps it work again in order to weigh the options that could be open. It is a great way to prevent terror too. If a family member has to undergo a serious operation, Rock Rose helps keep the family calmer and more focused rather than give in to a wave of terror where no coherent thought is


This kind of terror affects people who are a bit dramatic. They view things as larger than life. Children who see a shadow and think it’s a ghost and who might have nightmares about it very often. Or a person who just cannot feel anything for anyone because he lives in terror of traffic after witnessing a terrible accident. Rock Rose frees the heart and the emotions from the clutches of terror and helps the person get on with his life.


Rock Rose is a great remedy when spiritual quests seem to have hit a ‘valley of death’ situation – where everything seems dark and fearful and there seems to be no way out to the light. Rock Rose mitigates the terror and darkness so that one can see the path ahead.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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