Friday, July 13, 2018

Bach Flower: Red Chestnut

Red Chestnut And Letting Go

The Bach flower remedy Red Chestnut is just the thing for the worrywarts of the world. No, they don’t worry about themselves but about the ones they love. A child who is ten minutes late or is away in college, a husband who is out of town on work, a friend who is going through a crisis or an illness, a parent who is old and alone. It is natural for us to worry about the ones we care about but when a person needs Red Chestnut, you can recognize the signs because he carries it a bit too far. There is a tendency to be over anxious and concerned so much so that the person who is the cause of the worry sometimes feels the strain.


You can see that they are tense most of the time  with worry lines on their forehead. They don’t enjoy the moment and you usually see them intense and distracted instead of having fun with those around them. Their mind is far away thinking of all the  possible horrible things that could be happening to their loved one. So they are not terribly popular in
a social sense.


Their minds are constantly conjuring up horrifying situations involving their loved one who isn’t there. If a teenager is late – and which teenager isn’t – they would have imagined that he could have been involved in a hundred different accidents in that short hour. The worst thing is, they
don’t want to be disturbed while they worry – they wallow in it and get upset when people try to distract them. For them, to love means to worry


These people never seem to let go. For a mother, she can’t quite cut that umbilical cord and she feels connected to her child even if he or she is many miles away. Theirs is a  possessive emotion and they want to be a part of their loved one’s every minute. If you tell them it isn’t love but fear and possessiveness, they’ll probably get angry because for them, this is the best kind of love there is – they really cannot believe that anyone can love more than they do. Red Chestnut gently eases out the worry and lets the person love without fear.


It’s very difficult for them to be grateful to a higher being or to the universe because they don’t really see the beauty in anything around them, only the scary things that are waiting to pounce on anyone they love. Faith that is integral to all religions is something they cannot understand. They expect the worst, not hope for the best. What Red Chestnut does is to sow the seeds of faith, hope and peace and nurture these qualities so they get rid of the weeds of worry.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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