Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Bach Flower: Aspen

Aspen And Panic Attacks

The Bach flower remedy Aspen is for those who
suffer from groundless fears. It is the remedy to stop a person from quaking like an aspen leaf, scared of he knows not what and knows not why. It brings in courage and takes away the vulnerability that these people feel, being as they are caught up in this nameless, negative dread. This is also a great remedy for people who have been through some kind of frightening experience that they do not
remember but which leaves them with fears that are inexplicable.


You can see it on a person’s face. This is not the depression that strikes certain people – this is sheer fear. You’ll find that when someone is in the grip of this fear, their pupils are dilated, their whole body trembles, they could be bathed in a sweat and they have a fluttery nervous sensation in the stomach. It is as though their whole body is geared up to face a threat – and yet, there’s nothing really there. This is also a great remedy for panic attacks
or anxiety attacks when the person suffers from palpitation and sweating besides the fear.


Aspen is a gentle remedy, bringing in love but its action can be swift and sure. It is a great remedy to rid people of the fear that engulfs them when they have been abused or raped. People who go through these nameless fears are also too imaginative and prone to delusions. Some tend to be fascinated with the occult and the paranormal and this is turn makes them even more fearful of supernatural forces and causes nightmares. Children are afraid of the dark and imagine there is someone out there waiting to get them as soon as the light is turned off. Aspen brings in calm and soothes the mind. It slowly takes away the fear and banishes it.


A person who needs Aspen is usually hypersensitive and tends to jump at the least noise. This fear makes him a bit of a loner and he feels a bit embarrassed to confide in people, fearing he will become a subject of ridicule. Inside, he feels vulnerable all the time and wishes he could be strong – and Aspen does just that. He soon stops feeling that he is unprotected and all alone.


What Aspen does is to take a person beyond the negative state of fearfulness into a state of light. Suddenly, beyond that valley of death and dread, there comes up the land of love stretching before them and they realize that there was no cause to think that they would drown in that fear. They learn to accept and enjoy love at its best.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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