Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bach Flower: Impatiens

Impatiens And Slowing Down

The Bach flower remedy Impatiens, is, as its name indicates, a great remedy for impatience. This could be the remedy for someone for whom the words ‘Slow down, you move too fast’ were written. This is the person who loves to speed things up at home, at work, at play because he feels everyone and everything around him is too slow. He must be up
and doing – at a faster pace than everyone else and he just has no time to stop and smell the roses.


You can see the impatience on his face as he strides ahead of everyone, then stops and turns with a frown on his face, willing the others to hurry and catch up. You’ll find him trying to push ahead in a queue, impatient because the bus or train or plane is a couple of minutes late and once inside and seated, impatient because he wants the ride to end so he can
reach his destination as quickly as possible. As  though being in a tizzy will make Time go a second faster! Very often, he hurries things along only to find he has made a mistake or has forgotten something. This is a fidgety person, drumming his fingers against anything if he has to wait
or pacing up and down like a caged tiger. He suffers very often from headaches and indigestion. Impatiens calms him down and eases the stress out. He learns to walk in step with others and enjoy life as he does so.


They are usually a step or more ahead in their mind of everyone else. They just cannot fathom how other people can be so slow. They are speed-readers and great multi-taskers and are best working on their own. They tend to have a superiority complex because they equate speed in their mind with being better. Impatiens stops the mad whirl that goes on in his mind and makes him more patient with everyone around.


They get upset and angry very fast but this passes quickly. They rarely stay angry for too long – they probably feel it’s a waste of time when they should be busy doing something else. They are usually extroverts but can be a bit annoying because they tend to put everyone down and interfere a lot in others’ affairs.


They are just too impatient to sit back and bask in the wonder of nature and the universe. Organised religion could irritate them because they will be looking at their watch all the time, willing any get-together or religious function to get over fast. They also cannot take to instruction, feeling they
know best and that means better than everyone else. With Impatiens, they learn to sit back and feel at one with the universe, not wanting to make the world turn faster.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

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